5th Floor Project Diary: Moving right along

The project to shift the journal collection and clear space for the relocation of IT’s data center is progressing to where you can now see tangible evidence of the effort throughout the floor.

As we remove journals and tighten up existing space, we’re creating empty shelves to accommodate the space that will be lost:

Picture of empty shelves in a library

However, since over 30,000 bound volumes are being removed, you may see some odd places where these journals are being stored as they await the next step in this project:

Photo of journals on shelving

Photo of stacks of journals

If you need assistance locating a journal or help with any Library resources, please contact us.

Library Catalog unavailable 11pm July 12th

INNOPAC, the Library Catalog, will be unavailable for a couple of hours starting at 11pm on Wednesday, July 12, 2023. The outage is necessary for a system update.

The majority of Library resources will still be available during this time.

Please contact us if you need any assistance.

Library Commons Coffee Kiosk has moved

The coffee kiosk in the 3rd floor Library Commons, just outside of the Ische Library, has officially moved to its new home in the 3rd Floor MEB/AHN Atrium. For more information, please visit the Dining Services page: https://www.lsuhsc.edu/administration/ae/cafeteria.aspx

Access to GraphPad Prism

GraphPad Prism, a statistical analysis and graphing software has been added to the. The three computers in the Library Commons, on the third floor of the Resource Center Building. The software is thanks to a license from the School of Graduate Studies.

5th Floor Project Diary: Shifting into high gear

The project to make room for the relocation of the IT Data Center is picking up each day. Shifting of the titles and volumes to be kept has begun in earnest:

Screenshot of rows of journals

Since 28 rows of shelving will be lost, we have a combination of removing titles and tightening up the remaining volumes. The stacks of what will eventually be over 30,000 removed bound volumes of journals grows each day:

Picture of stacks of journals

Picture of stacks of journals

As Library staff works through shifting journals and pulling the titles to be removed, there will be an increase in noise and activity on the floor.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library topics, please contact us.

4th of July Holiday

The LSUHSC Libraries will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th in observance of the 4th of July holiday. The Isché Library will be open from 11:30am-8:00pm on Sunday, July 2nd, and from 7:30am-6:00pm on Monday, July 3rd. The Dental Library will be open from 8:00am-5:00pm on Monday, July 3rd.

Both Libraries will be open regular hours on Wednesday, July 5th.

Isché Library Welcomes Our New Public Service Associates

We are happy to introduce our newest Public Service Associates, John Gore and Claire Schouest!

John is originally from South Carolina. He earned his BA in English from the University of New Orleans. He is currently pursuing an MLIS at LSU. He will be serving as our Evening Supervisor.

Claire is a Louisiana native. She received her BA in English from Louisiana Scholars College.

Thank you for joining us in welcoming John and Claire to the team!

5th Floor Project Diary: And so it begins…

The project to remove over 30,000 bound volumes and shift the entire print journal collection to make room for an IT data center is well underway. If you find yourself on that floor, it is reminiscent of a sticky note factory:

Picture of journals on shelves.
Journals waiting to be removed.

Journals that will be removed from the collection are also starting to populate the staging areas on the Prieur side of the floor:

Picture of bound journals that will be thrown away
Picture of journals stacked on a table

As we make our way through the entire collection, removing and shifting journals, there will be an increase of noise on the usual quiet study floor.

Please see our previous post about this project, but don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

FIXED: ClinicalKey organization prompt

UPDATE: The problem has been fixed, and you should be able to access ClinicalKey content as usual.

We are seeing a new organization prompt when accessing ClinicalKey both on and off campus:

Screenshot of organization choice list

The manager of the database is currently working to fix the problem. Until this is resolved, choose LSU Health New Orleans, general access.

If you need assistance with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

RefWorks Classic Will Discontinue at End of June

On Friday, June 30th, 2023 access to RefWorks Classic will end. If you need to download or migrate citations, bibliographies, etc. please do so by the end of the month. LSUHSC-NO will continue to have access to the new version of RefWorks. Only RefWorks Classic is being discontinued.

EZproxy downtime early morning June 15th

The EZproxy service may be unavailable for a short time in the early hours of Thursday, June 15, 2023. This is to complete updates from the maintenance that was performed June 14, 2023.

UPDATE: EZproxy maintenance June 14th

UPDATE: EZproxy is back up and running. If you run into any problems, contact us.

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, EZproxy will be unavailable for two to three hours for server maintenance. During this time, links from the Library’s catalog, E-Journals & E-Books AtoZ List, Databases, and most other links from Library resources may not work correctly.

If you are off campus, you can log into many resources directly by using OpenAthens. A list of sites where you can do so and instructions are available on the OpenAthens LibGuide.

If you are on campus, please contact us and we can provide links to resources while the system is unavailable.

Librarians with Systematic Review Services Certification

The Libraries are pleased to announce that five of our librarians have earned a Systematic Review Services Specialization Level 1 Certification from the Medical Library Association. They are Sharon Duffy, Rowan Marye, Julie Schiavo, Chandler Smith, and David Trillo. We are in process of revamping our Systematic Review Service so stay tuned for more information on it!

Additionally Sharon Duffy and David Trillo also have their Data Services Specialization Level 1 Certifications, for all your data management needs.

Quiet Study Floor/RCB 5th Floor Project

The Quiet Study Floor/5th Floor of the Resource Center (RCB) will be the site of a project that will take a couple of years to complete. IT will be relocating a data center from the 7th Floor of the RCB to the 5th Floor.

This is the affected area of the floor:

Floorplan showing construction area

Upon completion, a portion of the floor will be cordoned off for the equipment, but we will add new seating and study areas:

Floormap showing construction areas

Before any construction can start, the Library’s print journal collection on the 5th Floor will be undergoing major changes to make room for this new data center. It will entail the relocation and removal of over 30,000 print journal volumes and thousands of unbound issues, the loss of 28 rows of shelves, and requires shifting the entirety of the remainder of the print collection. The content of the print volumes and issues to be removed are covered by perpetual access archives purchases and freely-available archival content. In total, over 600 journal titles will be affected.

From now until December, there will be noise during the weekdays as Library staff work to shift the print journal collection and stage the volumes to be removed. There will also be many signs and notes spread throughout the stacks, so please do not remove these notes. Also, locating needed print journals may be a little more difficult during this time.

We apologize for the noise and disruption this will cause. As this is affecting the dedicated quiet study area, please be mindful if others have relocated to a different area to find some quiet.

If you have any questions about this or need assistance locating materials, please contact us.

Changes to resource access from Allied Health wired workstations

If you are using a wired workstation in the Allied Health building, we’ve had to make a change that now requires you to log in when accessing Library resources. We had reports of issues when users were trying to get to ebooks, articles, and databases, and this is the way to resolve those problems.

When you click one of the Library’s links to resources, click this link:

Screenshot of login page

When you click this link, you will most likely not be asked to re-enter your credentials, as those should be pulled from when you logged into your workstation.

This change ensures that your rights to access our subscribed content is passed along to the book, journal, and database websites.

Another tool that will help you more easily access resources is the LibKey Nomad browser extension. We have a LibKey Nomad LibGuide that shows you how to set up and use this tool that makes getting to journal articles very easy.

If you need assistance with this or any other Library resources, contact us.