Libraries Closed 8/29/17

Both libraries will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, August 29, 2017 because of threat of flooding from TS Harvey.

EBSCO eBook technical difficulties

EBSCO is experiencing technical difficulties with the eBook collection. If you find that you are having trouble, try using Google Chrome for your browser. The EPUB Full Text book reader seems to be more reliable, so if you have a choice between PDF Full Text and EPUB, choose EPUB.
Thank you for your patience.


ScienceDirect EBS Collection – Let’s Explore the Possibilities!

Assisted Ventilation Neonate 2016This week we would like to highlight the Clinical/Specialty Medicine category of e-books in our new ScienceDirect EBS Collection. Remember, you can easily access this collection via the LibGuide link on the Library’s web page or click here. This category covers a wide range of topics, from pediatric and neonatal ailments to Alzheimer and diabetes issues. There are books on neurology, dialysis, liver functioning and more. As in all the categories, the dates range from 2013 to the present.

Feel free to explore the possibilities and you might find something you really need and maybe something we need to add to our permanent e-book collection. This is your chance to have an impact on what we decide to keep. We will review the usage at the end of the trial period (June 2018) and we will be keeping the most used texts, so please make use of this valuable resource.


Alternate for off-campus access to EBSCOhost

UPDATE: As of 3:30pm CDT, our issues with off-campus access to EBSCOhost have been resolved. You might need to clear your browser’s cache and history to recognize any changes, but please contact us if you are still having trouble.


While we are still waiting for our issues with off-campus access to some resources to be resolved, we have come up with a workaround for databases and books available through EBSCOhost.

When off-campus, click this link; you will be asked to enter your LSUHSC user i.d. and password. You will then be taken to this page that displays the i.d. and password that can be used to access EBSCOhost databases such as CINAHL and Academic Search Complete, EBSCO Ebooks, and the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List, along with links to the appropriate sites:

Password Page

Once you click on one of those links, you will see this login page:

Ebscohost Login

Enter the User ID and Password as described on the “Password Protected Database” page, and you should then be able to access the resource you need. If you clicked the link for EBSCOhost, you will be taken to the following page where you can choose which database you would like to use:

Ebscohost Choose DBs

Unfortunately, for our Baton Rouge LSUHSC/OLOL patrons, this workaround will not work while you are on the Baton Rouge campus. It will work, though, at any other location off-campus.

We do not have an estimate on when our off-campus issues will be resolved, but if you need any assistance in accessing this or any other Library resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.

LibGuide Now Available for ScienceDirect EBS Collection

SD EBS 8-20As we announced last week, we have a special collection of EBooks from ScienceDirect available to the LSUHSC community.  Now a LibGuide has been created to help you navigate this extensive collection and we are still adding titles!    You can access the LibGuide from the left-hand column of the library’s web page or click here.  The most relevant subject headings – such as “Neuroscience” and “Biomedical Science and Medicine” – have been completed and we are in the process of  adding the rest of the collection.

On the right side of the LibGuide, the completed subjects are hyperlinked. Any subject headings that are not hyperlinked are still being processed and we hope to have them completed and hyperlinked by the middle of the week.    Each subject is divided by the year of publication and then the titles are listed alphabetically.  There are some titles in the collection that haven’t actually been published yet and will be added as they become available.

You can browse the varied topics and books in the guide.  Clicking on the title will bring you to the full-text of that ebook.  The guide is also searchable via the box at the upper right, but searching is limited to keywords in the title or authors’ names.

We will have access to this collection through June 2018.  Afterwards, we will be adding the most used titles to our permanent collection.  So please take some time to review the offerings and, if you see something you like, check it out.  Your active input really counts!

Off Campus Access – 502 errors (resolved)

*Resolved Wednesday, August 23rd at 3:15pm*

We discovered this afternoon that Off Campus access to PubMed and to all EBSCOhost databases is returning a 502 error. Our IT support is working to resolve the issue, but we will probably be without off-campus access for the weekend. The same error appears when trying to access the databases through CITRIX.

Titles of individual journals through the catalog appear to be working. Please contact the Circulation Desk at either Library for additional help.


NASA Eclipse Live Stream @ the Isché Library

logo eclipse_logo_wOn Monday, August 21st the Isché Library will stream the NASA broadcast of the 2017 Solar Eclipse on one of the large TVs in the Commons. The NASA broadcast is from 11am to 3pm CDT. We hope see you there!

Pay Paw Update!

All new LSUHSC ID’s issued beginning August 2017 will have Pay paw capabilities automatically activated within 24-48 hours. In order to add money for the first time, students, faculty, and staff may use one of the Pay paw machines on campus, go to the bookstore, or add it online. With our secure Pay Paw Online Card Office, LSUHSC ID holders or their relatives may deposit money using a credit card online.

pay paw

Replacement ID’s will still need to be taken to the Bookstore to transfer Paypaw accounts.

Pay paw is a LSUHSC based transaction system that allows faculty, staff, and students to access, without cash, a variety of goods and service throughout the campus:

  • Vending machines at most locations

  • Food services in the Medical Education Building
  • Food services at the LSU School of Dentistry
  • MEB Atrium Coffee Kiosk
  • Health Sciences and Dental Bookstores
  • Copy and Printing Resources at many key locations (including the Dental and John P. Ische Libraries!)

For more information, check out the LSUHSC Pay Paw Services webpage or speak with a library or bookstore staff member!

A Virtual Library in a Library!

Isché Library is pleased to announce the addition of the ScienceDirect EBS Collection. Spanning from 2013 to the present, this vast and varied collection encompasses a wide range of disciplines and provides access to over 5000 books, with more being added throughout the subscription period. The entire collection will be available through June of 2018. After that, we will be permanently adding those titles that show the most use.

We are still reviewing all of these titles and will be adding links for any duplicates of our print collection to the catalog, as well as adding catalog listings for the most relevant titles utilized by our patrons. In the meantime, you can access the collection at this link.  Choose Books at the top of the home page, then choose Books and Subscription and complimentary from the two drop down menus above the list of titles.  You can filter by subject on the left side of the screen.

SD screen shot

The titles from this collection are also accessible through the AtoZ list.

We will be offering up tidbits and treasures from the collection over the next few weeks as we plumb the depths of the different subject headings within the collection.  Please join us in this adventure and perhaps find some treasures of your own!

New RefWorks available

We are happy to offer access to the new version of RefWorks alongside our access to RefWorks Classic to help you with your citation management needs. The New RefWorks offers a number of improved features including a redesigned interface, replacement for Write-n-Cite, increased storage capacity, and auto-complete when manually entering citations.

Anyone who has yet to sign up for a RefWorks account is welcome to do so using their LSUHSC e-mail via this link.

For those with an existing account in RefWorks Classic, look for the option to move to the New RefWorks once you log in to RefWorks Classic:

RW Classic Link

More information about the New RefWorks and a guide for those transitioning from RefWorks Classic can be found on the New RefWorks LibGuide.

If you have multiple accounts in RefWorks Classic, we are advising that you not transition to the New RefWorks at this time. There will be support in an upcoming release for multiple account holders, and we will let you know when that option is available and you can move to the New RefWorks.

Have any questions about this or any other Library resources? Please contact us.

$15 Million Grant to LSUHealthNO to Help Reduce Cancer in Louisiana

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has awarded LSU Health New Orleans School of Public Health $15 million over five years for its cancer education, early detection, comprehensive control and registry programs. The funding will support the Louisiana Breast and Cervical Health and Comprehensive Cancer Control programs, as well as the Louisiana Tumor Registry at LSU Health New Orleans School of Public Health.

Debbie Sibley Retiring

Today, August 8th, marks her last day as Director of Libraries. Debbie served as Director of Libraries at LSU Health Sciences Center for almost 10 years. Although she is retiring from LSUHSC New Orleans, Debbie will be completing the last years of her career as Executive Director of Texas Medical Center (TMC) starting August 28.

Jennifer Lloyd has been appointed Interim Director.

We congratulate Debbie on her new position and thank her for all of her contributions to the Libraries!

WebBridge Link Resolver restored in PubMed

After many, many months of not working correctly, we are happy to report that the WebBridge Link Resolver is once again available for PubMed. As our most-used database, we are relieved to offer this service to all of you after such a long absence.

If you would like a refresher or an introduction to how the link resolver works in PubMed, you can refer to this earlier post. Additionally, if you’d like to set up your My NCBI account to display the link resolver icon, please see this walkthrough.

For those who want to know more about the WebBridge Link Resolver, this LibGuide is made just for you.

Need any more information or assistance? We’re always available to help.

Library Hours

Both Libraries have returned to regular hours as of today, August 1st.  The hours for each library are:

Isché Library                                                                         Dental Library

Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 12 Midnight                        Monday – Thursday: 8 am -10 pm
Friday: 8 am – 8 pm                                                              Friday: 8 am – 5 pm
Saturday: 9:30 am – 6 pm                                                   Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 12 noon – 12 Midnight                                         Sunday: 11:30 – 8 pm

Faculty Publications for August

Lions from the walkwayA new selection of articles has been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16. They can be viewed in the Reference area, on the wall between the main entrance and the Library elevator, on the third floor of the Resource Center Building.

Here is a list of the newest articles to be featured, with the LSUHSC-NO researchers in bold print:

  1. Alexandrov PN, Percy ME, Lukiw WJ. Chromosome 21-encoded microRNAs (mRNAs): Impact on Down’s syndrome and trisomy-21 linked disease. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2017;[epub].
  2. Augestad KM, Han H, Paige J, Ponsky T, Schlachta CM, Dunkin B, Mellinger J. Educational implications for surgical telementoring: A current review with recommendations for future practice, policy, and research. Surg Endosc. 2017;[epub].
  3. Coleman MT, McLean A, Williams L, Hasan K. Improvement in interprofessional student learning and patient outcomes. J Interprofessional Educ Pract. 2017;8:28-33.
  4. Crespo-Salgado J, Vehaskari VM, Stewart T, Ferris M, Zhang Q, Wang G, Blanchard EE, Taylor CM, Kallash M, Greenbaum LA, Aviles DH. Intestinal microbiota in pediatric patients with end stage renal disease: A Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium study. Microbiome. 2016;4(1):50-016-0195-9.
  5. Gilpin NW, Weiner JL. Neurobiology of comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol-use disorder. Genes Brain Behav. 2017;16(1):15-43.
  6. Kane AC, Stark M, Kanotra SP. An HIV-positive child with a gingival mass. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;[epub].
  7. Kim CD, Reed RE, Juncker MA, Fang Z, Desai SD. Evidence for the deregulation of protein turnover pathways in atm-deficient mouse cerebellum: An organotypic study. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2017; 76(7):578-584.
  8. Lefer DJ, Marban E. Is cardioprotection dead? Circulation. 2017;136(1):98-109.

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and is available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. For a PDF of a bibliography of this month’s additions, click here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.
Please come to the Library and view these recent publications by our research community.