Difficulty accessing an article? Contact the Library!

We know that the ongoing network problems are frustrating. If you are having difficulty accessing a book or article, please consider reaching out to the Library. We may still be able to assist by guiding you through a workaround or by sending an article if we are able to access it. We may even have resources in our print collection that can help.

Send us a Chat using the chat feature at the bottom of our homepage: https://www.lsuhsc.edu/library/

Email a Reference Librarian at reference@lsuhsc.edu or call us at (504) 568-6100.

For assistance at the Dental School, chat from their page: https://www.lsuhsc.edu/library/information/dental.aspx or email dentlib@lsuhsc.edu or call at (504) 941-8158.

History of Dental Education in Louisiana Libguide

Follow the History of Dental Education in Louisiana in a newly published LibGuide. Discover the history from its start at the New Orleans Dental College, read the 1905 Commencement from the New Orleans College of Dentistry, view the class of 1924 from the Tulane School of Dentistry, check out the long history of the Loyola School of Dentistry, and finally understand how dental education came to LSU. Check out the LibGuide here: https://libguides.lsuhsc.edu/denthistory.

David Wolff Retires

David Wolff, Evening Supervising Associate at the Isché Library, retired December 31st. He had been employed by the Library from 1998-2006 and then from 2011-2022. Over the years, he worked nearly every shift in public services. As the supervisor to our student workers, he was a mentor. His goal was to make the library a welcoming place for both patrons and employees. He prided himself on his reliability and helpfulness. We will miss him and wish him well in his next career as he moves to Georgia.

Libraries are Open 1/3/2023

Welcome to 2023. Both the Isché and Dental Libraries reopened this morning.

Accessing online resources

Although the LSUHSC-NO site is finally available again, our EZproxy server has yet to be brought back online, meaning you will run into problems when attempting to get to many of our resources on and off campus. This affects the majority of links to online books and journals in the Library’s catalog and resources on the Databases listings, as well as many links to articles from the WebBridge Link Resolver and LibKey products. We do not have information on when the EZproxy service will be restored.

If you are off campus, you can log into many resources directly by using OpenAthens. A list of sites where you can do so and instructions are available on the OpenAthens LibGuide.

If you are on campus, all links to external sites will not work. We will see what can be done about this.

The Library will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, so please contact us if you need assistance with getting resources.

Libraries/Campus Closed until Tuesday, January 3rd

Both the Dental and Isché Libraries are closed Tuesday, January 3, 2022 for the Winter Break Holiday. The Isché Library will reopen at 7:30am and the Dental Library will reopen at 8am.

While the Libraries are closed access to the Library Commons in the RCB continues to be open for all badge holders. And, of course, access to the subscribed electronic resources that is available online at all times.

Enjoy your winter break!

Isché Computer Lab

*Edit* The computer Lab was reopened at 9:30am on 1/3/2023

The Isché Library Computer Lab will be unavailable for the near future. Please check back to this blog for an update on when the Computer Lab will be available again.

If you are in need of a computer in the meantime, the Library Commons offers 24-hour access to three desktop computers. They run Windows and are equipped with the Microsoft Office suite of products. All have full internet access and can print to both Library print stations.

Both Libraries Close at 1:30pm 12/19/2022

Both LSUHSC Libraries are closed at 1:30pm for a division meeting and will reopen on Tuesday, December 20th at 7:30am (Isché) and 8am (Dental).

Winter Break Hours

The Isché Library will have Winter Break hours on Sunday, December 18th through Tuesday, January 3rd. The Dental Library will have Winter Break hours on Friday, December 23rd through Tuesday, January 3rd. Additionally, both Libraries will close early on Monday, December 19th for a division meeting.

Isché Library

Sunday, December 18th11:30am – 8pm
Monday, December 19th7:30am – 1:30pm
Tuesday, December 20th – Thursday, December 22nd7:30am – 6pm
Friday, December 23rd – Monday, January 2ndClosed

Dental Library

Monday, December 19th7:30am – 1:30pm
Friday, December 23rd – Monday, January 2ndClosed

Accessing Library resources from the Allied Health building

We’ve had reports of a few users who have had trouble getting to Library resources and journal articles when using wired workstations in the Allied Health building. We are currently working with IT to figure out the issue.

In the meantime, if you find that you are being asked to pay for an article or are unable to access any resources available through the Library, accessing the resources through Citrix is a temporary workaround.

You can open Citrix using this link. IT also has many helpful tips on using Citrix. Additionally, if you are on campus and want to open a Citrix session, you will not be asked to perform the multi-factor authentication, but you will if off campus.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Printing Unavailable Thursday and Friday, December 14-15

**Printing was restored on Tuesday, December 20th by 11am.

*Printing is still down as of Monday, December 19th. Hopefully it will be back soon.

Printing will be unavailable in the Libraries all of Thursday and part of Friday due to PayPerPrint server maintenance on the LSU main campus.

Early Closure 12/14/2022

Both Libraries are closing at 2:30pm today because of the threat of tornadoes. All other departments on campus are closing as well. Both Libraries plan to open tomorrow at their regular times.

December Faculty Publications

A new selection of articles have been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16. With the currently changes, we’ve decided to post the publications digitally. Check out the display below:

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMedSCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is currently maintained by Metadata & Digital Projects Librarian Andrew Olinik.

A PDF of a bibliography of this month’s addition will be available here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact our Librarians at reference@lsuhsc.edu.

Ische Library Welcomes Our New Librarian, Chandler Smith

We are happy to introduce our newest Librarian, Chandler Smith! Chandler joined us earlier this month as our Education Librarian. Chandler is a Louisiana native who received a BA in History from LSU and a Masters in Library Science from The University of Sheffield in the UK.

Thanks for joining us in welcoming Chandler to the team!

Ische Library welcomes our new Circulation Associate, Liza Whitfield

Liza is a New Orleans native who graduated from Loyola University New Orleans in 2020 with a BA in History. As an undergraduate, she worked in Loyola’s Special Collections and Archives where she benefited from the guidance of the university’s lead archivist for two years. In August 2020, she completed a post-graduate fellowship at the Library of Congress within their Learning and Innovation Office. She is glad to be able to re-enter the field at LSUHSC and looks forward to furthering her education in the near future.