Dental School Closure 11/14

Due to a Power Outage, the Dental School will be closed for the rest of the day. All classes and appointments are cancelled.

Normal hours and operations will resume tomorrow.

INNOPAC downtime – complete

An upgrade of the INNOPAC system will happen beginning at 9am on Tuesday, November 13th. The outage is expected to last 2 hours at the most. The library catalog and related services will not work during the upgrade.

Thanks for your patience.

*Edit* The upgrade was completed by 10:30am

OpenAthens off-campus log in now available!

We are happy to announce that the Libraries now offer OpenAthens as an alternate way to get to resources when off-campus. With OpenAthens you can use your LSUHSC-NO e-mail address and current password to log in.

This new way to log in works with all Library resources. You will probably first see the option when going through a link from the Library’s web page or the Library catalog. The EZproxy log in page has changed to provide the ability to use OpenAthens:

From there you will see the LSU Health New Orleans log in page that you may be familiar with from webmail or Office 365:

Be sure to enter your complete LSUHSC-NO e-mail address (including the Once you’ve done this, you will be logged into both the OpenAthens and EZproxy systems, so any Library link you follow that requires off-campus authentication should work with no trouble.

Another feature of OpenAthens is the ability to log in directly at a number of database, ebook, and journal sites. We’ve noticed that many of you have already discovered this option, but one thing to keep in mind is that not all publishers or sites support logging in through OpenAthens. We have a list of sites that support OpenAthens here.

If you have trouble using Library resources with OpenAthens, you may be having issues with your LSUHSC-NO password and/or account. You can use the LSUHSC-NO password change page or you may need to contact the Help Desk or your local computer supporter if you need more assistance with your account.

EZproxy is still available as a way to use Library resources. If you are affiliated with LSU Health New Orleans but are not assigned an LSUHSC-NO e-mail address, you may still be eligible for Library privileges. In those cases, you will need to use a Library-issued barcode and your PIN to use our resources.

More information about logging in off-campus is available via our new Off-Campus page: There is also a new OpenAthens LibGuide that provides more information about this service:

For those who are in the hospitals and clinics, we understand that you deal with more hurdles than anyone, and OpenAthens may make your search for and use of resources a little easier. One example of this may be if you are having troubles accessing an article, it might be easier to log in at the journal’s site (if it supports OpenAthens) and get the article in a more direct way.

If you need any help with this new service or any other Library resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Reference Hours at Ische expanded

Reference Librarians at the Isché Library are now available until 7pm, Monday through Thursday. Please contact them for all your research questions!

Librarians are available during business hours via telephone, chat, email or in person. We are here to help!


Geaux Vote Icon  The Congressional Primary Election is coming up! Tomorrow, Tuesday November 6th,  voters will cast their ballot for 435 House (US House of Representatives) seats and 35 of 100 Senate (US senators) seats.

Louisiana citizens will be voting for Louisiana Secretary of State and all six Louisiana U.S. Congressional seats for the 116th Congress along with parish specific positions and issues.

View the GeauxVote’s Quick Facts sheet to view further information on the midterm elections.  Consider downloading the GeauxVote app, for assistance with your ballot, or visit on the web to discover your polling location and your sample ballot.

Again, don’t forget to vote tomorrow! The polls are open from 6am to 8pm.


November Faculty Publications

A new selection of articles has been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16.

  1. Alexandrov PN, Percy ME, Lukiw WJ. Chromosome 21-encoded microRNAs (mRNAs): Impact on down’s syndrome and trisomy-21 linked disease. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2018;38(3):769-774.
  2. Custer B, Murcia K, Robinson WT, McFarland W, Raymond HF. Blood donation history and eligibility assessment in a community-based sample of men who have sex with men. Transfusion. 2018;58(4):969-973.
  3. 3. Dai L, Qiao J, Del Valle L, Qin Z. KSHV co-infection regulates HPV16+ cervical cancer cells pathogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Am J Cancer Res. 2018;8(4):708-714.
  4. Edwards S, Molina PE, McDonough KH, Mercante DE, Gunaldo TP. The potential of interprofessional education to translate physiology curricula effectively into future team-based healthcare. Adv Physiol Educ. 2018;42(2):354-359.
  5. Leithead J,3rd, Garbee DD, Yu Q, Rusnak VV, Kiselov VJ, Zhu L, Paige JT. Examining interprofessional learning perceptions among students in a simulation-based operating room team training experience. J Interprof Care. 2018;1-6.
  6. Lopez-Jury L, Meza RC, Brown MTC, Henny P, Canavier CC. Morphological and biophysical determinants of the intracellular and extracellular waveforms in nigral dopaminergic neurons: A computational study. J Neurosci. 2018;.
  7. Wang Y, Gao L, Rao X, Wang J, Yu H, Jiang J, Zhou W, Wang J, Xiao Y, Li M, Zhang Y, Zhang K, Shen L, Hua Z. Characterization of lasR-deficient clinical isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):13344-018-30813-y.
  8. Zamjahn JB, Baroni de Carvalho R, Bronson MH, Garbee DD, Paige JT. eAssessment: Development of an electronic version of the objective structured assessment of debriefing tool to streamline evaluation of video recorded debriefings. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018;.

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and is available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. For a PDF of a bibliography of this month’s additions, click here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.

Please come to the Library and view these recent publications by our research community.

Dental Library closure – Sunday, October 21st.

The dental library will be closed on Sunday, October 21st due to the scheduled AC shutdown.  All students are welcome to use the Isché Library on the downtown campus.  It is located on the third floor of the Resource Building, 433 Bolivar Street.

We are sorry for any inconvenience.

NIH “All of Us” Program Stresses Patient Engagement

Thursday, October 11th Louisiana Health Sciences Center will host a traveling National Institutes of Health (NIH) exhibit. This exhibit is called,  “All of Us.”  LSUHSC is taking part in this nationwide research program that hopes to gather health information from a random sample of 1 million people.

Volunteers will share health and lifestyle information about themselves for research. The goal of the program is to shape the future of healthcare, fast track research, and improve the health of all Americans.

The exhibit will be located in the parking lot in front of the former interim LSU Hospital, 2000 block of Perdido St. (Between Perdido and Poydras Streets and South Prieur and South Johnson Streets) from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Make sure you come by and become apart of this exciting new program!

Downtown Library Closed – Saturday, October 13th

The Ische Library will be closed on Saturday, October 13, 2018 for AC maintenance. There will be no air conditioning in the building from 6am to 5pm. The Library Commons might be closed (or really hot) during this outage.

Downtown Campus Phones

*Edit* Phones have been up and down all day. If you get a busy signal, contact us a different way.

*Edit* All phones were restored at 9:30am.

All landlines on the downtown campus are currently down. To contact the Library, please use email or our chat service.

USMLE Practice Questions

The Library now offers 3 databases full of USMLE questions to practice for the USMLE Step exams.

Register for each one and begin taking practice tests. Questions are similar to USMLE questions on the Step exams.

Board Review Series Must set up personal login to activate the self-assessment quizzes.

BoardVitals Initial registration must be created On Campus with your LSUHSC email address. Once account has been created, off campus access will be available as well.

USMLE®easy Select Institutional Sign In Create an institutional student account. Start Practice


Board Review Series uses the same login as LWW Health Library, ebooks, videos, clinical cases, additional self-assessment questions.

BoardVitals uses a different login than StatRef, ebooks, Essential Evidence Plus.

USMLE easy uses a different login than the AccessMedicine databases, which include: AccessEmergencyMedicine, AccessMedicine, AccessNeurology, AccessSurgery, CaseFilesCollection

LSUHSC-Secure and UMC

If you are at UMC, please be advised that the LSUHSC-Secure network there is not the same as the LSUHSC-Secure that is available in the Health Sciences Center’s facilities.

UMC LSUHSC-Secure is not part of our network. If you attempt to access Library resources when on this network, you may have problems due to the restrictions placed on it. Additionally, since it is not part of our campus, you will not be authenticated as one of our users and will be unable to get to any of the Library’s subscribed resources.

We recommend using Citrix if you want to access Library resources when at UMC or any of the other hospitals and clinics. You may be asked to log in using your Library barcode and PIN, but the benefit is that you should not run into any issues with authenticating as one of our users.

If you need any other assistance with Library resources, please contact us.

October Faculty Publications

A new selection of spook-tacular articles has been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16.

  1. Celestin MD,Jr, Ferguson T, Ledford EC, Tseng TS, Carton T, Moody-Thomas S. Differences in treating tobacco use across national, state, and public hospital system surveys. Prev Chronic Dis. 2018;15E103.
  2. Diaz JH. A puff of spores. Wilderness Environ Med. 2018;29(1):119-122.
  3. 3. Forgues M, Mehta R, Anderson D, Morel C, Miller L, Sevy A, Son L, Arriaga M. Non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging for monitoring patients with acoustic neuroma. J Laryngol Otol. 2018;1-6.
  4. Iwuchukwu I, Mahale N, Ryder J, Hsieh B, Jennings B, Nguyen D, Cornwell K, Beyl R, Zabaleta J, Sothern M. Racial differences in intracerebral haemorrhage outcomes in patients with obesity. Obes Sci Pract. 2018;4(3):268-275.
  5. Nye MB, Osiecki J, Lewinski M, Liesenfeld O, Young S, Taylor SN, Lillis RA, Body BA, Eisenhut C, Hook Iii EW, Van Der Pol B. Detection of chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoeaewith the cobas CT/NG v2.0 test: Performance compared with the BD ProbeTec CT Q(x) and GC Q(x) amplified DNA and aptima AC2 assays. Sex Transm Infect. 2018;0:1-7.
  6. Peacock LM, Young A, Rogers RG. Universal cystoscopy at the time of benign hysterectomy: A debate. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;219(1):75-77.
  7.  Tartavoulle T, Adorno M, Garbee D, Kensler P, Manning J, Pierce S. Predictors of success in BSN students. Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh. 2018;15(1): 2017-0028.
  8. Taylor BD, Totten PA, Astete SG, Ferris MJ, Martin DH, Ness RB, Haggerty CL. Toll-like receptor variants and cervical atopobium vaginae infection in women with pelvic inflammatory disease. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2018;79(2):1-8.

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and is available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. For a PDF of a bibliography of this month’s additions, click here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.

Please come to the Library and view these recent publications by our research community.

Discover more about Discovery: Limiting and other tools

Judging by the questions and other responses, we’re seeing that the Discovery/EDS Health tool is looking to be a big hit as a new option for finding resources. Since there is so much packed into this little box, finding your way around the search results may be a bit confusing and scary, but hopefully this information will help in navigating your search results by using limiters and other tools available in the service.

In this example, we’ve used the Discovery search box from the Library’s home page to search for the keyword agoraphobia:

In this instance we’ve received lots of results and many different options to access a variety of resources. There are, however, many tools available on the results screen to hone in on what you need.

First, since this search gave us over 67,000 results, you can start to pare down these results by year, type of publication, or a variety of options by using the limiters on the left of the screen:

If you use other EBSCOhost databases, such as CINAHL or Academic Search Complete, these limiters should look familiar. You can also choose to show only those results that are available in the Library’s collection or even specify the database where the results of your search have come from, like PsycINFO or Scopus. The options to refine a search change depending upon the search and the results, so be sure to look at the various choices available when you perform a search.

The right side of the screen provides various tools and other ways to complement your search:

There is a chat box to ask a question if you get stuck. You can also link out to PubMed, ClinicalKey, or select other databases; in the case of PubMed and CINAHL, your search term will be brought over and you will see the results in those databases. You can also perform a search of the Discovery service using the available MeSH or CINAHL subject headings that are suggested for that topic. Finally, if there are any matches for eBooks the Library has access to from EBSCO, a rotating display of those will be shown as well.

This just touches on the tools and limiters available through the Discovery service, so feel free to experiment with them and see how they affect the results for your search. If you get a little too enthusiastic, you can always start over by conducting a new search through the link at the top of the screen.

If you need any help with this or any other Library services, contact us.

What’s New?

The Libraries have been working steadily to acquire materials or tools that are useful to you! Since the summer we’ve purchased the following:

Stay tuned for even more…