Link resolver currently unavailable in Google Scholar

The WebBridge LR link resolver is not available in Google Scholar at this time. We have reported the issue and will update when we have more information.

If you need assistance retrieving articles from Google Scholar or any other database, please contact us.

New Books Display June 2018 – Thieme Clinical Collection!

Our latest New Books Display highlights a few of the E-books in the Thieme Clinical Collections.

The Thieme Clinical Collections provide access to Thieme Publisher’s books for the medical specialties. The current collection includes over 600 books published from 2000-2017. Specialties include audiology, dentistry, gastroenterology, internal medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, nuclear medicine, obstetrics & gynecology, ophthalmology, orthodontics, orthopedics, orthopedic surgery, orthopedic trauma, otolaryngology, otology, pathology, pediatric neurology, physical therapy, plastic surgery, radiology, surgery, urology, and more.

Thieme Clinical Collections These E-books and many more are included in the Thieme Clinical Collections.

If you have any questions about the collection or how to access our E-book collections, do not hesitate to contact a library staff member over chat, email, phone, or in person.

Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived and Well-Drawn

What happens when health-related issues and cartoons merge? A National Library of Medicine exhibit called, “Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived and Well-Drawn!”.  The exhibit opens this week at the Dental Campus for the following dates of June 13th-29th. Learn about the latest medical oriented graphic novels and their contribution to societal learning. So, check out the National Library of Medicine exhibition; “Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived and Well-Drawn!”.

The Exhibition Program at the National Library of Medicine strives to promote greater understanding and awareness of how the past informs the present and can shape the future by creating lively and informative exhibitions and educational resources that enhance awareness of and appreciation for the collections of the National Library of Medicine. These exhibitions and educational resources engage diverse audiences and explore a variety of topics in the history of medicine.

STAT!Ref Dental ebook Collection Cancelled

We are cancelling the STAT!Ref dental ebook collection due to the very high cost and lack of funds.  This collection will no longer be available in STAT!Ref as of July 1st.  We are currently working on replacing the content in other online formats and/or in print, so some titles from the cancelled collection will eventually be available again.  Please contact the Dental Library for a list of those titles, or for information on other related resources.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Dry Erase Boards Now Available!

Dry erase boards are now available to use on the 4th and 5th floors of the Isché Library. Our boards are available on a first come, first serve basis.  Look for them on your floor and feel free to use any available boards.

Dry erase marker kits are available for checkout at the front desk.

Boards for the Dental Library should be available by next week!


Downtime for Web of Science

Due to scheduled maintenance, Web of Science may be unavailable from 7 pm on Saturday, June 2nd, until 7 pm on Sunday, June 3rd. Their site says that access may be intermittent during this block of time. We apologize for the inconvenience and suggest you plan your research schedule according. Or better yet, just enjoy an evening off. You’ve earned it!

June Faculty Publications

A new selection of articles has been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16. They can be viewed in the Reference area, on the wall between the main entrance and the Library elevator, on the third floor of the Resource Center Building.

Here is a list of the newest articles to be featured, with the LSUHSC-NO researchers in bold print:

  1. Almukhtar R, Armenta AM, Martin J, Goodwin BP, Vincent B, Lee B, Dacso MM. Delayed diagnosis of post-surgical pyoderma gangrenosum: A multicenter case series and review of literature. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018;44152-156.
  2. Chen Y, Hui-Yi Lin , Tseng T, Wen H, DeVivo MJ. Racial differences in data quality and completeness: Spinal cord injury model systems’ experiences. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2018;24(2):110-120.
  3. Chu QD, Zhou M, Peddi P, Medeiros KL, Wu X,Outcomes in real-world practice are different than cooperative trial for elderly patients with early breast cancer treated with adjuvant radiation therapy. Surgery. 2018 Jun;163(6):1213-1219. .
  4. Danos DM, Ferguson TF, Simonsen NR, Leonardi C, Yu Q, Wu XC, Scribner RA. Neighborhood disadvantage and racial disparities in colorectal cancer incidence: A population-based study in louisiana. Ann Epidemiol. 2018;28(5):316-321.e2.
  5. Gould HJ,3rd, Norleans J, Ward TD, Reid C, Paul D. Selective lysis of breast carcinomas by simultaneous stimulation of sodium channels and blockade of sodium pumps. 2018;9(21):15606-15615.
  6. Meier ER, Johnson T, Pinkney K, Velez MC, Kamani N, Odame I. Access to hematopoietic stem cell transplant for patients with sickle cell anemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018;e27105.
  7. Sheahan M, Ma X, Paik D, Obuchowski NA, St Pierre S, Newman WP,3rd, Rae G, Perlman ES, Rosol M, Keith JC,Jr, Buckler AJ. Atherosclerotic plaque tissue: Noninvasive quantitative assessment of characteristics with software-aided measurements from conventional CT angiography. Radiology. 2018 Feb;286(2):622-631.
  8. Zamjahn JB, Beyer EO, Alig KL, Mercante DE, Carter KL, Gunaldo TP. Increasing awareness of the roles, knowledge, and skills of respiratory therapists through an interprofessional education experience. Respir Care. 2018;63(5):510-518.

New Guidelines Recommend Earlier Colorectal Cancer Screening

New guidelines developed by the American Cancer Society (ACS) recommend that screening for colorectal cancer for average-risk adults begin at age 45, five years earlier than the previous recommendation. The guideline update, published as an Early View paper in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, was co-authored by Elizabeth, T. H. Fontham, DrPH, Emeritus Professor and Founding Dean of LSU Health New Orleans School of Public Health and Co-Chair of the American Cancer Society’s Screening Guideline Development Group.

The full article is freely available here.

AccessMedicine Downtime

We received notification from McGraw-Hill Education that they will be doing scheduled server maintenance this weekend.  As a result, the AccessMedicine sites will be unavailable from 7 pm Saturday, June 2nd, until 1 am Sunday, June 3rd.  You will not be able to access the databases or any ebooks in our catalog that link to their website during those six hours.

The fine folks at McGraw-Hill have apologized for any inconvenience.  Please plan your research efforts according.

Summer Hours

Summer hours at both the Dental & Isché Libraries begin June 1 and run through July 31.

The Dental Library will close at 6pm Monday – Thursday and at 5pm on Fridays. The Dental Library will be closed on weekends.

The Isché Library will close at 10pm Sunday – Thursday and at 6pm on Fridays. Saturday hours will remain the same, 9:30am to 6pm.

Opening hours at both Libraries will remain the same, weekdays at 8am and noon on Sundays at Isché.

Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived and Well-Drawn

What happens when health-related issues and cartoons merge? A National Library of Medicine exhibit called, “Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived and Well-Drawn!”.  The exhibit will open next week, May 21st-June 8th, in the John P. Isché Library Commons. Learn about the latest medical oriented graphic novels and where to find them. After a three week run in the Commons, the display will then arrive at the Dental Campus for the following dates of June 13th-29th. So, check out the National Library of Medicine exhibition; “Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived and Well-Drawn!”.

Isché Library — Early Closure 5/18/2018

The Isché Library will close at 5pm on Friday, May 18th due to a chilled water outage in the Resource Center Building from 5pm until 12am. During the outage there will not be any air conditioning anywhere in the entire building.

New Director of Libraries

J. Dale Prince, MA, MLS joins the Libraries today as their new director. Dale most recently worked with National Network of Libraries of Medicine in the Southeastern/Atlantic Region where he was Executive Director for 7 years. He served as both the Technology and Outreach Coordinators in that office from 2002-2011. He is the National Program Committee Co-Chair for the Medical Library Association Meeting in Chicago in 2019.

A native of Arkansas and Alabama, Dale is pleased to be returning to the South with its tropical rainstorms and reliably good biscuits.

Dale will the 7th Library Director since 1931.

Happy NOLA Tricentennial


Today officially marks New Orleans’ 300th year. The actual founding date is a bit murky but this is the date picked by the city for this anniversary kickoff!

Faculty Publications Spotlight for May

A new selection of articles has been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16. They can be viewed in the Reference area, on the wall between the main entrance and the Library elevator, on the third floor of the Resource Center Building.

Here is a list of the newest articles to be featured, with the LSUHSC-NO researchers in bold print:

Cajigas-Loyola SC, Miller RL, Spieler B, Carbonella G. Mycotic pulmonary artery aneurysm mimicking a Rasmussen aneurysm. Ochsner J. 2018;18(1):104-107.
Guevara M, Kollipara CS. Recent advances in giant cell arteritis. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2018;20(5):25-018-0737-1.
Jeyakumar A, Begue RE, Jiang Y, McKinnon BJ. Cochlear implant provider awareness of vaccination guidelines. Laryngoscope. 2018;[epub] doi:10.1002/lary.27117.
McFarlin A. What to do when babies turn blue: Beyond the basic brief resolved unexplained event. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2018;36(2):335-347.
Pannuti A, Filipovic A, Hicks C, Lefkowitz E, Ptacek T, Stebbing J, Miele L. Novel putative drivers revealed by targeted exome sequencing of advanced solid tumors. PLoS One. 2018;13(3):e0194790.
Petrauskas LA, Vaitaitis VJ, Mundinger G, Sheahan C, Poole J, Kanotra SP. Open resection and laryngotracheal reconstruction in a case of subglottic hemangioma in PHACE syndrome. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2018;108:186-189.
Tartavoulle TM, Karpinski AC, Aubin A, Kluger BM, Distler O, Saketkoo LA. Multidimensional fatigue in pulmonary hypertension: Prevalence, severity and predictors. ERJ Open Res. 2018;4(1):10.1183/23120541.00079-2017. eCollection 2018 Jan.
Yu Q, Medeiros KL, Wu X, Jensen RE. Nonlinear predictive models for multiple mediation analysis: With an application to explore ethnic disparities in anxiety and depression among cancer survivors. Psychometrika. 2018;4:00079-2017.

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and is available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. For a PDF of a bibliography of this month’s additions, click here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.
Please come to the Library and view these recent publications by our research community.