FIXED: ClinicalKey access problems

UPDATE August 5, 2022: The problem has been resolved, so you can now use the Library’s link to ClinicalKey ( and should not have any troubles. If you do need help, contact us.

ORIGINAL POST August 5, 2022: If you are trying to access ClinicalKey using any link that has as the prefix, it is currently not working. This will affect all off campus access, as well as using ClinicalKey through the VPN, Citrix, or on campus when logged into the LSUHSC-Secure wireless network.

Until this problem is resolved, you can access ClinicalKey by:

Go to

Choose Login on the top right of the screen:

Screenshot of login screen

Choose OpenAthens login on the next screen:

Screenshot of login screen
Then enter LSU in the box to the right and click LSU Health Sciences Center Library:

If prompted, enter your full LSUHSC-NO email address and password:

Screenshot of login screen

We will update when we have more information about this problem, but if you need any assistance please contact us.

Ovid Journal Maintenance 7/28/2022

On Thursday evening, Wolters Kluwer — Ovid — will be performing scheduled maintenance on their journals platform.

Starting at 11:00 PM NOLA time, you will be unable to access the journals provided via Ovid for about 45 minutes. The provider will try to limit the downtime as much as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

LSUHSC LDL Website Maintenance

The Louisiana Digital Library website will be down for scheduled updates. The interruption will take place on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 from 9:00am until 5:00pm and the website will be inaccessible during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for our users.

Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination Online

We are pleased to announce that we now subscribe to Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination Online!

Please visit the library database page,, or the library catalog record,, to access this resource.

Bates’ Visual Guide includes over 200 streaming videos on physical examination, communication and interpersonal skills, and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) clinical skills.

The visual guide can be used alongside the textbook, Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking by Lynn Bickley, which the library subscribes to via the LWW Health Library:

We hope you find this useful! Let us know if you need more information,

PsychiatryOnline Scheduled Maintenance This Weekend

The good folks at PsychiatryOnline have sent out a notification about maintenance on their website this weekend.

“PsychiatryOnline will be undergoing maintenance on July 8-10. If you are accessing any journal or book content via username/password, certain content will not be available. We apologize for the interruption.”

If you are accessing materials via our links, whether on campus or off, you shouldn’t have any problems. If you do encounter difficulty accessing certain content, though, this might be the cause. You can contact us if you have any problems.

ASHA journals archives now available

We are happy to announce you now have access to the online archives of all American Speech-Language-Hearing Association journals.

All articles for these journals are now available:

  • American Journal of Audiology 1991–
  • American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 1991–
  • Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 1997–
  • Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 1958-1996
  • Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders 1948-1990
  • Journal of Speech Disorders 1936-1947
  • Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools 1971–
  • Speech and Hearing Services in Schools 1970

These journals are available via the Library’s Catalog, the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List, the link resolver, and all LibKey products.

If you have any questions about these or any other Library resources, please contact us.

July Faculty Publications

A new selection of articles have been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16. With the currently changes, we’ve decided to post the publications digitally. Check out the display below:

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMedSCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Andrew Olinik and will be available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. A PDF of a bibliography of this month’s addition will be available here. 

New Headphones in Dental Library

The Dental Library has NEW HEADPHONES!

M360 | HP5500 Series

The UPGRADE includes:

  • Attractive modern design
  • Clearer sound
  • Noise canceling
  • Pause/play controls
  • Built-in microphone
  • Comfortable earpieces
  • Bluetooth pairing (aux cord available)

A library account is needed to borrow headphones. Headphones are considered reserve items and cannot leave the library.

RSNA journal archives now available

We are happy to announce you now have online access to the archives of the Radiological Society of North America’s (RSNA) two oldest journals. You can get to all issues of Radiology from 1923 to present, and RadioGraphics from 1981 to present via the Library’s Catalog, E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List, the link resolver, or any other way you prefer to access journals electronically.

If you need help with these titles or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Kathryn E. Kerdolff Retires

Kathy Kerdolff retired yesterday. She had worked for the LSUHSC Libraries since May 1990. Prior to joining the Library as a Reference Librarian, Kathy had worked with Judith Caruthers, Director of Libraries, on a student internship in 1988 and helped with the plan to move the Libraries from the old Medical School Building and the Medical Education Building into the brand new Resource Center Building.

Kathy was the liaison to the School of Medicine since the program began in May 2005. She was active in state, regional and national library organizations, serving on a variety of committees and all levels and holding elected office at all three levels.

Kathy will continue working with the School of Medicine, Department of Surgery after her retirement and holds an emeritus appointment through that department.

UPDATE: Library Catalog now available

UPDATE July 1, 2022: As of early this morning, the problem was fixed and the Library Catalog, logging in with a barcode and PIN, and the link resolver are all working as expected. If you have any trouble or need assistance, please contact us.

ORIGINAL POST June 30, 2022: Due to a problem with our hosting company, the Library Catalog/INNOPAC is currently not available. This outage also affects logging in with a barcode and PIN via EZproxy, as well as some functionality of our link resolver.

This is affecting all customers, and we will update once we have more information.

Independence Day Hours

The Libraries will be closed on Monday, July 4th. In addition the Isché Library will be closed on Saturday, July 2nd and Sunday, July 3rd as well. The Dental Library is closed every weekend.

The Library Commons should be available all weekend for any studying needs.

Journal of the American Dental Association online archives now available

We are glad to share that you now have access to all volumes of the Journal of the American Dental Association, including its previous titles.

This journal started as the Official Bulletin of the National Dental Association in 1913, then as the Journal of the National Dental Association, The Journal of the American Dental Association (1922), The Journal of the American Dental Association and the Dental Cosmos, and finally as the Journal of the American Dental Association we know today. All articles are available online through ScienceDirect.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

All volumes of New England Journal of Medicine now available online

In what is certain to be a welcome addition to our collection, we are happy to announce that all volumes of New England Journal of Medicine are available online. You now have access to all articles published since 1812 for this important source.

If you have any questions or need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

New journal archives now available

We are happy to announce we have expanded the back issues of a number of journals, and they are now available online.

First, we’ve greatly expanded our access to now offer all issues published for Science going back to its start in July 1880.

We also now have online the older volumes of the majority of Clinics of North America journals. These are available on the ScienceDirect platform.

You can get to all of these by going to the Library’s Catalog, E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List, as well as through the Library’s link resolver and directly through the publishers’ sites.

If you need help or have questions about these or any other Library resources, contact us.