Winter Break Hours

The Isché Library will be closing at 6pm from Monday, December 20th through Thursday, December 23rd.

Both the Dental and Isché Libraries will be closed from Friday, December 24th through Monday, January 3rd for the official university holidays. The Libraries will re-open on Tuesday, January 4th at 8am and will resume normal hours.

Electronic access to books and journals will be available during the break but chat, circulation and research services will not. Additionally the Library Commons downtown should be available while the Libraries are closed.

purple snowflake

Off campus links made even easier with

When you want to share a link to an article with classmates, colleagues, or your students, it’s important to make sure they can get to it regardless of whether they are on or off campus. We recommend using our off campus link generator to help with this, but sometimes the link may still not work right for any number of reasons. There’s good news, though, as can help! is a quick way to find access to a journal article using just a PMID or DOI.

Screenshot of a web page

All you need to do is plug the number into the handy search box and it does all the heavy lifting to get you to the article. However, there is also another benefit to using it gives you an easy link to share with others so they can get to an article easily.

When you search a PMID or DOI in, you will see this screen with options for getting the article:

Screenshot of link options

A hidden benefit when you see this page, though, is the URL of the page can also be used as a permanent/durable link to get this article!

Screenshot of magnified URL

Not only that, the link can be shared with others in our institution and they will be asked to login if they need to. You can try this example out for yourself by clicking this link:

More information about can be found on our LibGuide or you can contact us if you need help.

Thanksgiving Hours

The LSUHSC Libraries will be closed Thursday-Friday, November 25-26th for the Thanksgiving holiday.

The Isché Library will close at 6pm on Wednesday, November 24th and will be closed on Saturday, November 27th but will be open on Sunday, November 28th from 11:30am to 8pm.

Both Libraries will be open Monday, November 29th at 8am. And resume their current reduced hours.

Mask Mandate On Campus Still in Effect

Despite LSU main campus dropping their mask mandate today, as a healthcare facility, the mask mandate remains in effect on the LSUHSC campuses. This was confirmed by an email to all faculty, staff and students from VC of Clinical Affairs, Christian Winters today.

The Libraries ask that all library patrons comply with this university policy.

EZproxy and Dynamed images issues

If you follow the Library’s link to Dynamed that routes through the EZproxy service, please be advised that images are not showing up for each topic now. This affects accessing Dynamed off campus or when on campus and connected to the LSUHSC-Secure wifi network.

Until this problem is fixed, you can access Dynamed directly using OpenAthens. First, go to and click on the person icon on the right of the page:

Screenshot of sign in page

Then, click on the “Sign in now” link:

Screenshot of login option

Next, click “Institutional OpenAthens” at the bottom of the screen:

Screenshot of login options

At the next screen enter “lsu” in box on the right and choose “LSU Health Sciences Center Library” when it appears:

Screenshot of login screen

Finally, enter your full LSUHSC-NO e-mail address and current password and you will finally have access to Dynamed!

We will update when we have more information about this problem with Dynamed and EZproxy, but if you need help with this or any other Library resources, contact us.

Update: New Web of Science and LibKey Nomad

November 15, 2021 Update: Good news! The new version of Web of Science now works with LibKey Nomad! You can use what is hopefully your favorite browser extension to help you get to articles more easily when searching Web of Science.

Now that LibKey Nomad supports the new Web of Science, when you search a topic, the results will give you quick access to PDFs:

Screenshot of search results

The legacy version of Web of Science is set to be retired in early 2022, so this is a very welcome addition for LibKey Nomad.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, contact us.


Original post from June 7, 2021: If you’ve started using the new version of Web of Science, please note that it is not yet compatible with LibKey Nomad.

In the old version of Web of Science, you will see the LibKey Nomad enhancements including journal cover images and quick links to PDFs from the search results:

Screenshot of database

In the new Web of Science you will only see links to our WebBridge LR link resolver that will help you get the full text of the article:

Screenshot of database page

We will update when the new Web of Science supports LibKey Nomad, but if you need help with this or any other Library resources please contact us.

RESOLVED: EBSCO Technical Difficulties

Update, 11/9/2021: EBSCO has resolved issues with their platform. If you continue to experience problems please contact the library:

EBSCO has reported problems with multiple products including our EBSCO Discovery search system and EBSCO eBooks collections. They are working to resolve the issues. We will update the blog once everything is back to normal.

November Faculty Publications

A new selection of articles have been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16. With the currently changes, we’ve decided to post the publications digitally. Check out the display below:

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMedSCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and will be available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. A PDF of a bibliography of this month’s addition is available here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.

UPDATE: Problems with off campus access to Wiley titles

UPDATE 7: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 afternoon: All EZproxy links to Wiley products are working correctly again.

UPDATE 6: Tuesday, November 2, 2021: We are again experiencing problems accessing Wiley titles via all EZproxy links. Please see our recommendations below for how to access Wiley books and journals directly using OpenAthens.

UPDATE 5 Friday, October 29, 2021: All issues affecting Wiley titles, articles, and PDFs should be resolved. However, if you run into any problems please contact us.

UPDATE 4 Thursday, October 28, 2021: Although linking to Wiley articles is working, you may run into an error when attempting to download a PDF. If you do, please follow our instructions below to access Wiley titles directly using OpenAthens.

UPDATE 3: The problem affecting LibKey product links has been fixed. You should now be able to access all Wiley articles when logging in off campus regardless of which link you use.

UPDATE 2: We are still experiencing issues with LibKey product links. If you are off campus and follow a link to a Wiley article PDF from LibKey Nomad or the link resolver in PubMed, you will not be able to access the article. Please follow the instructions below on how to access articles directly, or contact us if you need assistance.

UPDATE 1: As of Wednesday, October 27, 2021, the issues affecting EZproxy links to Wiley titles has been resolved, but there is a chance it might recur. If you find you are unable to access a Wiley book or journal, please follow the instructions below to log in directly using OpenAthens.

If you are trying to access a Wiley book or journal with a link that goes through our EZproxy system, those are currently not working correctly. All EZproxy users are experiencing this problem, and it affects links to Wiley titles in the Library’s catalog, E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List, our WebBridge Link Resolver, and all LibKey products.

Until this problem is fixed, you can access Wiley journals and books directly by using OpenAthens.

Start at When at the Wiley site, click Login/Register on the right of the screen:

Screenshot of journal site

Next, click on Institutional Login at the bottom right of the box:

Screenshot of login box

Then, click on Sign in with your OpenAthens account:

Screenshot of login options

On the next screen, on the right of the screen, enter LSU and click on LSU Health Sciences Center Library:

Screenshot of login screen

Then you will be able to enter your LSUHSC-NO full e-mail address and current password, after which you can access all of the Wiley titles we have access to through our subscriptions.

We will update when we have more information about this issue, but if you need any help with this or other Library resources please contact us.

Hot Water Outage – Saturday Oct 23 & Sunday Oct 24

*Edit* There will be another outage from midnight on Saturday, October 23rd through 7pm on Sunday, October 24th.

On Saturday, October 16th, from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, there will be a domestic hot water outage for the Resource Center Building due to scheduled maintenance.  There will be water pressure on the hot water side of faucets but the water will not be hot. Hot water should be returned by Sunday October 17th.

UPDATED: System outage Tuesday, October 19, 2021

UPDATE: INNOPAC is back up and running as of 1pm, October 19, 2021. If you encounter any issues, though, please contact us.

At 9am on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, INNOPAC, the Library’s online catalog will not be available for at least six hours. During this time you will also not be able to log into EZproxy using your Library barcode and PIN. The WebBridge Link Resolver is affected by this outage as well.

Please see our other post about accessing resources during this outage.

If you need assistance during this time, please contact us.

Accessing resources during system outage

INNOPAC, our library system, will not be available starting at 12:45pm on Thursday, November 21st, and it could be out for at least two hours. This outage means that you will not be able to look up anything through the Library’s online catalog, and the link resolver in all databases will not work as well. There are, however, other options to find the resources you need during this time.

The Discovery/EDS Health search will still function and can help you locate a specific journal, book, or article:

There are many options presented that will still work, but some do rely on the system in order to work. As a result, any options to check the Library’s catalog or to use the WebBridge Link Resolver will not be available. However, particularly in the case of articles, there are many other options that can get you to what you need:

Screenshot of database results

Another option to find a particular ebook or journal is the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List.

If you need to access any resource when off-campus, you will need to use your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password through OpenAthens; you will not be able to log in using your Library barcode and PIN while the system is unavailable:

Screenshot of login options

In PubMed, you may be able to get to articles directly using the Library’s link resolver even though the system is unavailable. Since we are using the LibKey Link service in conjunction with our link resolver, if a direct link to the PDF of an article is available, then you will bypass our link resolver. However, if this direct link is not possible and our link resolver would be needed in order to find available full-text or get the article through InterLibrary Loan, you will be unable to proceed while the system is down.

You can also use the LibKey Nomad Chrome browser extension to access journals in PubMed or from publishers’ sites. This will be particularly useful in PubMed, as the extension indicates which articles are available through the Library’s subscriptions. However, since the Library’s link resolver will not be available, only those citations that have “Download PDF” or “Article Link” will work during our system outage:

New PubMed with LibKey Nomad extension icons

Even though INNOPAC, the Library’s catalog, will not be available, Library staff will have other ways to get to journals and resources during this downtime, so please contact us if you need help.

Elevated Walkway Closure

From 6:00 PM Friday, October 15th, to 6:00 PM Sunday, October 17th, the section of the Bolivar Street Elevated Walkway between the Allied Health/Nursing Building and the vending machines near the Roman Street Parking Garage, as well as the entire Lions/LSU Clinics Building crossover bridge, will be closed.

The elevated walkway between the Roman Street Garage and the Resource Center Building will remain open. You will still be able to access the Resource Center Building through both the 1st and 2nd floor entrances.

Fixed: EZproxy service up and running again

UPDATE: EZproxy is back up and running, so all links to Library resources are functioning both on and off campus again.

Original Post:

We are having trouble with our off campus authentication service EZproxy. Any links from the Library’s catalog, web site, and the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List are not working at the moment.

For many publishers and resources, you will be able to log in directly using OpenAthens. Please see this page listing sites that support direct log in using your LSUHSC-NO e-mail and password. When you scroll to the bottom of this page, it will show you what you need to do once at those sites to log in.

We will update as soon as we have more information, but if you need assistance please contact us.

Shot for 100 Program Expanded

The shot for 100 program has been expanded and The LSU Health New Orleans COVID Vaccination Clinic will be participating by holding an event this week!

Location: LSU Health New Orleans COVID Vaccination Clinic
2020 Gravier Street, 1st floor.
Date: Wednesday, October 13th, 2021
Time: from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 
Walk-ins are welcome!

  • Any Louisiana Resident receiving their first shot is eligible and may only participate once.
  • Minors are eligible for the cash incentive but require parental consent to get the vaccine.
  • Individuals will receive a deactivated Visa gift card upon vaccination.
  • After registering online at, the card will be loaded with $100.
  • You must first register your gift card to redeem your $100.