This is just the latest of Kerst’s leadership positions. He was the District 5 Trustee on the Board, where he was the liaison between ASDA and the American Dental Association’s (ADA) Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations. He also served as a student delegate to the ADA Annual Session.
“In working with the student leaders at UPR, we were able to raise nearly $4,000 through student efforts, which paid for weeks of provided meals for them as they returned to school, and we secured over $70,000 in donations through our collaboration with the ADA,” Kerst notes. “At LSU Health New Orleans School of Dentistry, our chapter raised $1,000 with a dunking booth supplied by our Alumni Association at one of our TGIFs. Four faculty members volunteered to get all wet for the cause, and it was a great success.”
“We've taught a few thousand children in the past two years and have partnerships with major corporations, including Delta Dental of Arkansas,” says Kerst.
“In running for Vice President, I wanted to be able to give back to ASDA what the association has given me as we move toward developing leadership training that is second-to-none for dental students,” adds Kerst. “We hope that our efforts to do so will be invaluable as future practitioners and leaders in our communities.”
“My plans are to practice general dentistry in north Louisiana around Shreveport, LA after graduation,” says Kerst.