LSU Health New Orleans dental and dental hygiene students volunteered their time to provide professional services under faculty supervision and enjoy some fun and games with patients and their families. The children, many of whom may otherwise not be able to access dental care, received free dental exams and cleanings, learned about proper oral care and left with a backpack filled with school supplies provided by MCNA (Managed Care of North America, Inc.).
Financial, time and other constraints limit access to care. Many low-income families do not have dental insurance or money to pay for dental visits. In addition, many working parents are unable to take time off during the day to take their children to the dentist.
LSU Health New Orleans After-hours Pediatric Dental Clinic opened in 2016 with support from a grant from HSHC. Dental students and pediatric dental residents, under faculty supervision, treat children and adolescents by appointment in the clinic on the LSU Health New Orleans School of Dentistry campus, 1100 Florida Avenue.
Services include examinations, x-rays, cleanings and sealants, as well as restorative services (fillings, crowns, pulp therapy, and space maintenance) and extractions. The clinic is open two evenings a month, from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. and one Saturday per month, from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling 504-941-8201. The clinic will accept Medicaid and LaCHIP, and others can benefit from the discounted care under the school’s student fee schedule.
She also saw how LSU Health New Orleans Pediatric Dentistry makes going to the dentist fun. The Tooth Fairy, Sparkle, Tooth and Paste played games and puzzles with the kids, and there also were fur friends, movies, popcorn, and pizza, too!