For 40 years, Camp Tiger has served the special needs community of the Greater New Orleans and Gulf South regions. Each summer, children with special needs and differences from around New Orleans and the Gulf South attend a week-long summer day camp hosted by the LSU School of Medicine (LSUSOM) and get to experience a wide range of fun, enlightening, and unique adventures around New Orleans. Our campers and families look forward to camp every year, circling it on the calendar a whole year in advance!
Camp Tiger is staffed by rising second-year and incoming first-year medical students of LSUSOM in New Orleans and by our amazing faculty physicians. For our campers’ safety and to ensure they have the most fun possible, we will have a 2:1 counselor-camper ratio. The reason each member of the LSUSOM family looks forward to camp is we get to spend a week with pure life and pure joy in the form of our campers. We get to spend a week telling these wonderful individuals “YES!” They get to spend a week playing, socializing, and expressing themselves as vibrant children and we are so overjoyed to spend a week helping them do it. We are excited to have your interest in our camp and hope that you take part in such a fun and rewarding experience. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
Charlie McKenzie
Camp Tiger 2024 Director