Enter Floats

In this topic you will learn how to manually Enter Floats.


NOTE: Employees will usually clock in for a float and then Xfer. Both will need to be checked on the timesheet by the Timekeeper. Employee floats will typically be entered at the time clock when the employee uses Clock Code #5. Manual entry of floats will need to be completed to correct erroneous or incomplete data.


  1. In this exercise you will Transfer an employee to department EL2036360 for all day Monday and Tuesday, 02/20/12 and 02/21/12.


    You will need to enter the time the Transfer originally began, so a new row must be added to the timesheet.

    Step 1
  2. Click the Add a new row at row 1 button to add the transfer information.

    Step 2
  3. You may Cut and Paste the Monday Out punch time to the Monday Out field on the new row instead of entering the punch time directly as shown later in the exercise.


    Highlight the time in the Mon Out field and right-click on the field. Select the Cut option.

    Step 3
  4. Right-click on the Mon Out field. Select the Paste option.

    Step 4
  5. Check the Xfer box on the row added to indicate the employee transferred to another department.


    Click the Monday Xfer option.

    Step 5
  6. Enter the time on the added row the employee transferred In to the new department.


    Enter the desired information into the Monday In field. Enter "8:45a".

    Step 6
  7. Click the Look up Department Transfer button on the added row to search for the department number.


    NOTE: All department numbers begin with the hospital designation. You will only have access to departments within your assigned Business Unit.


    EL - Earl K Long Medical Center

    LK - Lallie Kemp Medical Center

    LC - Leonard J Chabert Medical Center

    UM - University Medical Center - Lafayette

    WM - W O Moss Medical Center

    WS - Washington - St. Tammany Medical Center

    Step 7
  8. The first 300 results will display as a list. If the list contains more than 300 results, a message will display below Search Results. In this example the first 300 of a possible 343 results display.

    Step 8
  9. The number of results retrieved can be reduced by entering all or part of the Department or Description. The three most used operators that can help narrow your search results. They are:

    •  begins with,

    •  contains, and

    •  the wildcard (% sign).


    The "contains" option wail be demonstrated in this exercise.

    Step 9
  10. You will need to change the Department parameter from "beings with" to "contains" to search.


    Click the button to the right of the Department field.

    Step 10
  11. Click the contains option from the drop-down list.

    Step 11
  12. By changing the Department parameter to "contains", you can enter the last four (4) digits of the Department number into the Department field.


    Enter the desired information into the Department field. Enter "6360".

    Step 12
  13. A "wildcard" (% sign) can be utilized as a means of searching as well. The % sign is entered directly into the field and replaces letters, words, numbers, etc. Based on where the % sign is placed, the system will search for Department Numbers as follows:


    •  %6360 – department numbers ending in 6360;

    •  6360% - department numbers begriming with 6360; or

    •  %6360% - department numbers containing 6360.

    Step 13
  14. Click the Look Up button.

    Step 14
  15. Click the EL2036360 link.

    Step 15
  16. Click the Save button.

    Step 16
  17. Click the Add a new row at row 3 button.

    Step 17
  18. Highlight the Tue Out time and right-click in the Tue Out field. Select the Cut option.

    Step 18
  19. Right-click on the Tuesday Out field on the added row. Select the Paste option.

    Step 19
  20. Check the Xfer box on the row added to indicate the when the employee transferred to the new department.


    Click the Tuesday Xfer option on the added row.

    Step 20
  21. Enter the time on the row added the employee transferred In to the new department.


    Enter the desired information into the Tue In field. Enter "5:23p".

    Step 21
  22. If you know the department number you can enter the information directly.


    Enter the desired information into the Department Transfer field. Enter "EL2036370".

    Step 22
  23. Click the Save button.

    Step 23
  24. Once the timesheet is Saved, two purple punches display on the timesheet on Monday, 04/16/12 and Tuesday, 04/17/12. The purple punches are called Phantom Punches.


    Phantom Punches are system generated rather punched by the employee. Generally, Phantom Punches are associated with Floats to show that the employee left original department and transferred to another.

    Step 24

This completes Enter Floats.

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