In this topic you will learn how to run Employee Float.
NOTE: Run the Employee Float report to view information on a single employee, a single department or for multiple departments.
Click the Report link.
Step 1Click the Employee Float Report link.
Step 2Click the Add a New Value tab.
Step 3Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field. Enter "empl_float".
Step 4Click the Add button.
Step 5In this exercise, you will run the Float Out Report for a single department for pay period 02/20/12 - 03/04/12.
Step 6Before entering the Start Date and End Date the Select Report Type must be determined.
In the Select Report Type section, the system defaults to the Float In Report options. The system will not allow you to run a Float In report and a Float Out Report on the same request. You must select one or the other.
NOTE: The Start and End dates will have to be re-entered if the Select Report Type is not indicated first.
Step 7Click the Float Out Report option.
Step 8Enter the beginning date for the pay period in the Start Date field.
Enter the desired information into the Start Date field. Enter "022012".
Step 9Enter the ending date of the pay period in the End Date field.
Enter the desired information into the End Date field. Enter "030412".
Step 10The Employee Float report can be run for a single employee, a single department, or a group of departments. In this example the report will be run for a single department.
Step 11The Group ID number must be entered in the Group ID field.
NOTE: If you know the Group ID number you can enter it directly into the Department field.
Click the Look up Group ID button.
Step 12A list of available Group IDs will display. Select the appropriate Group ID.
Click the EB010 link.
Step 13The 7-digit Department number must be entered in the Department field.
NOTE: If you know the Department number you can enter it directly into the Department field.
Click the Department button.
Step 14A list of available Departments displays. Select the appropriate Department from the list provided.
Click the EL2036320 link.
Step 15Additional departments can be included by clicking the plus sign (+). Departments can be removed from the report by clicking the minus sign (-).
Step 16Click the Save button.
Step 17Click the Run button.
Step 18Click the button to the right of the Server Name field.
Step 19Click the PSNT option from the drop-down list.
Step 20Click the OK button.
Step 21Click the Report Manager link.
Step 22Click the Refresh button until Status = Posted and the Time Details in the Description column displays as a blue link.
NOTE: Please wait 10 - 15 seconds between clicks to allow for system processing.
Step 23Click the Employee Float Report link.
Step 24Click the Close button.
Step 25This completes Employee Float Report.