Web Clock is a web based time reporting system in PeopleSoft. It allows the employee to capture IN and OUT punches over the web.
Timekeepers and managers can view, print and manage web clock transactions by access the employee's timesheet.
In this topic you will learn how an employee accesses and uses WEB clock to record their time.
To access WEB clock the employees will click the Main Menu.
Step 1Point to the LSUHSC Processes menu.
Step 2Point to the Time and Labor menu.
Step 3Point to the Use menu.
Step 4Click the Web Clock menu.
Step 5Choose your Punch Type:
Punch Type In: Records the start of work time.
Punch Type Out: Records the end of work time.
In this example click the In punch.
Step 6Click the Enter Punch button.
Step 7The save confirms the date, punch type, time zone, and punch type reported through the Web Clock.
Click the OK button.
Step 8Once the punches are saved in Web Clock the employee’s timesheet is updated.
The timekeeper can view the WEB clock transactions by access the employee's timesheet via the LSUHSC Processes menu.
You can refer to the Access an Employee's Timesheet documentation for instructions on timesheet management.
Note: The employee will repeat these same steps to Punch Out.
Step 9Click the Home link.
Step 10This completes the topic on how an employee records thier punch time using WEB clock