The following is a catalog of the queries available to run using the steps provided in this topic:


BI TL EMPLOYEE NO PAYABLE TIME - Finds all employees where the sum of the base (regular) hours are zero for the pay period specified.

BI TL EMPLOYEES < 80 HRS - Finds all employees where the sum of the base (regular) hours are less than 80 for the pay period specified.

BI TL EMPLOYEES < FTE- Finds all employees where the sum of the base (regular) hours are less than the employees FTE for the pay period specified. The FTE used on the Job record is as of the Pay Period End Date.

BI TL EMPLOYEES > 80 HRS - Finds all employees where the sum of the base (regular) hours is greater than 80 for the pay period specified.

BI TL EMPLOYEES > FTE - Finds all employees where the sum of the base (regular) hours are greater than the employees FTE for the pay period specified. The FTE used on the Job record is as of the Pay Period End Date.

BI TL EXCEPTIONS - Finds all employees with exceptions for the pay period specified.

BI TL GENERAL TRC QUERY - Finds all employees that have the selected TRC for the pay period specified.

BI TL LONG SHIFT PUNCH - Finds all employees with a punch in and out of 23 hours or more for the pay period specified.

BI TL PUNCH WITH COMMENT - Finds all employees with a comment for the pay period specified.

WK TL EMPLOYEES < 40 HRS -Finds all employees where the sum of the base(regular) hours are less than 40 for the week specified.


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