The correct input of hours on a holiday is imperative to the payroll process. Proper input of holiday hours ensures the employee is paid correctly, and in a timely manner. It reduces the burden of correcting time improperly input.
The LSUHSC Holiday Calendar determines holiday schedules. Generally, holiday schedules are uploaded in PeopleSoft Time and Labor prior to time being input. Therefore, when an employee’s timecard is viewed, the holidays should appear on the timecard in green. There are key points to remember before entering time for holiday pay into PeopleSoft Time and Labor.
Employees shall be eligible for compensation on holidays observed except:
1. When the employee’s regular work schedule averages less than 20 hours a week;
2. When the employee is on transient/restricted appointment or student workers;
3. When the employee is on leave without pay (LWOP) immediately preceding and following the holiday period;
4. When the employee is on an intermittent work schedule.
Holidays for Part Time Employees-Less than 40 but more than 20 hours per week:
If a holiday falls on a part-time employee’s day off; the employee would receive compensation in an amount prorated to the number of hours normally worked. For example, if a part-time employee is scheduled to work 32 hours a week, Tuesday through Friday and a holiday falls on Monday, the employee should receive 6.4 hours of holiday pay (80% of 8 hours). However, if the holiday falls on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (a regularly scheduled workday), then the employee should receive 8 hours of holiday pay.
Scenario 1 –Scheduled holiday—employee does not work and is not scheduled to work
The green rows on the timesheet reflect holidays. If the holiday shown is correct, no further action is required. Once the timesheet is saved, the summary will reflect HOL-8 (Assumes the employee is paid for 8 Holiday hours).
Press [Enter] to continue
Step 1Scenario 2 - Scheduled holiday—employee works on the holiday.
Click the “+” row icon in front of the holiday date to insert another row to enter the start and end time.
Record the in and out time worked.
Once the timecard is saved, the summary will reflect HPW-8 (Assumes an 8 hour day is worked).
Enter the desired information into the Timesheet field. Enter "6:30AM".
Step 2Scenario 3 - Scheduled holiday-employee is on LWOP on the day immediately preceding the holiday and the day after.
Record Pay Code LW2 with the number of LWOP hours. The Cancel Holiday Code must also be entered to cancel the holiday.
Click the Look up TRC button.
Step 3Click the LWOP AUTHORIZED link.
Step 4Enter the desired information into the Wed field. Enter "8".
Step 5Click the Look up TRC button.
Step 6Click the Cancel Holiday Entitlement link.
Step 7Enter the desired information into the Thu field. Enter "8".
Step 8Click the Look up TRC button.
Step 9Click the LWOP AUTHORIZED link.
Step 10Enter the desired information into the Fri field. Enter "8".
Step 11Click the Refresh Button.
Step 12Click the Yes button to save changes made on the timesheet.
Step 13This completes the topic on how to Enter Holiday Pay.