Column Heading                           Description

Plus [+] Button - Add another Row to Time sheet
Minus [-] Button - Delete Row from Time sheet
Date - Date the punch occurred.
Day - Day of week.
Xfer - Check box to indicate the employee floated to another department, or links punch data sets when an employee punches In and Out multiple times on a schedule workday,
   Note: xfer will always be checked if punch times is from clock with transfer

In Time - Time recorded as an in punch, when the employee starts their work day
Out Time - Time recorded as an out punch, when the employee ends their work day
TRC - TRC's (Time Record Codes) used to manually enter time, i.e. Leave.

   Note: Cannot be used with punch time


Hours - Number of hours punched or leave time associated with specified date.
Cumulative - List a cumulative total of all hours in the pay period as of a specific day. Cumulative hours should not be confused with Payable Hours.
Skip Meal - Timekeeper can indicate if employee will receive pay for a meal break.

Hazard/ In Chrg - Indicates if change in compensation is warranted based on the employee encountering a specified hazard or working in a more senior capacity.
Callback - Indicates the employee is due Call Back compensation.
Override Overtime - The business unit has the ability to override overtime with either 1.0 or 1.5 cash
Comment Code - Comment Code used by the Timekeeper to specify reason for Manual Edits, or Overtime Override Account Code - LSUNO payroll utilizes the account code feature if time is paid by another department.
Edit CF - LSUNO Payroll unitizes to edit the Account Code.                   


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