Environmental Health and Safety

AED Program Information

The University’s Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) program has been enhanced as part of our ongoing commitment to emergency planning improvements, ensuring safety and health on campus. The key objective of an AED program is to ensure AED application to a cardiac arrest victim within five minutes of the incident.  This timeframe is critical as research has shown that early defibrillation significantly increases the chances of survival.  

Through the program’s enhancement, the University, in collaboration with the AED Committee, Environmental Health and Safety Department, and Institutional Leadership, aims to increase the accessibility and effectiveness of these life-saving devices. AEDs were deployed to various University Police staffed locations on campus, including their response vehicles. The locations were selected to maximize coverage and improve response time efficiency. Their positioning with University Police is to ensure their use by individuals who have received proper CPR/AED training and are best positioned to support the rapid notification of local EMS.  The deployment to University Police helps to further ensure appropriate use reporting and maintenance of records, as required by state regulations.

The AED locations are identified on the Campus Maps and include the locations identified below:

  • CALS Building, Wellness Center
  • Seton Building, First Floor University Police Desk
  • Human Development Center, First Floor University Police Desk
  • Allied Health and School of Nursing Building, First Floor University Police Desk
  • Resource Center Building, First Floor University Police Desk
  • Roman Parking Garage, Third Floor University Police Command Center
  • Residence Hall Building, Second Floor University Police Desk
  • School of Dentistry Clinic Building (maintained and accessed by clinic staff)
  • University Police Response Vehicles (3 total)

Students, staff, and faculty members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the locations of AEDs on campus. 

In the event of a medical emergency requiring AED use, University Police should be notified at the nearest AED site location or by contacting them at 568-8999 or through the LSU Shield App.