Position Description & PeopleAdmin Resources


Position Description & PeopleAdmin Resources


Position Descriptions are a critical component of our compensation philosophy and are used in determining the worth of a position within LSUHSC and externally. Resources for creating, editing, and posting Position Descriptions can be found below.



The PeopleAdmin system is used to request new positions, request changes to existing position descriptions, and fill vacancies.   It is also where official records of approved Unclassified, Classified, and Administrative Faculty position descriptions are stored. 

Classified position descriptions are created and updated using the SF-3 form, and require approval by Civil Service before being entered into PeopleAdmin.

Unclassified and Administrative Faculty positions can be created and updated directly in the PeopleAdmin system.


PeopleAdmin Login

PeopleAdmin Support

These guides provide step by step screenshots & instruction on each phase of the position description and position posting process.

Unclassified & Admin Faculty Position and Posting Guide         

Faculty & Unclassified Hiring Proposal Guide   

Faculty Position and Posting Guide                                     

Classified Position Request Guide

PeopleAdmin Process Flows

PeopleAdmin Homepage Guide


Funding Template:Used for Position Request Funding Document and Hiring Proposal Funding Document.

SF-3 Form:Classfied Position Description Form. Must be submitted to and approved by Civil Service.