All Performance Improvement Plans must be verified and approved by the Employee Relations area of HRM before addressing the employee. To begin the PIP process, first contact Employee Relations
at .
All disciplinary action must be verified and approved by the Employee Relations area of HRM before addressing the employee. To begin this process, first contact Employee Relations
Please contact Leila McConnell - ADAA Coordinator at prior to printing and completing forms. These forms are confidential and should not be turned into your supervisor or manager. They are strictly for ADAA Coordinators use.
If you are a new supervisor and/or would like more assistance with hiring and recruiting,
please reach out to the Talent Acquisition Team for Classified Employees & Faculty
and the Senior Recruiters listed below for Unclassified Employees.
Our Senior Recruiters are available to assist with any unclassified staff recruiting.
Please see below for contact information and department/school assignments: