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Time Admin Status process calculates Payable Time. The process runs a new

Business Unit every 5 minutes, therefore every Business Unit should re-calculate

 the Payable Time once an hour.


Last Update Date/Time: Displays last date and time The Time Admin Process ran. 


Earliest Chg Dt: The earliest change date represents the earliest day changed,

not the date the change occurred.


Example: The current date is 2/17/12 and the timekeeper deletes the punched time for 01/16/12. 

The earliest change date is changed to 01/16/12.  If the punch time for 2/15/12 is deleted,

the earliest change date remains as 01/16/12.


Note:  Manual entries made to the timesheet will not appear in Payable Totals section

until the Time Admin process run and re-calculates the time.

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