Welcome to the PeopleSoft Time and Labor Process for Timekeepers. Bi-Weekly employees and some monthly employees that currently clock will be enrolled in Time and Labor.
This manual contains the information needed to learn the functions and procedures involved in entering timesheet information into Time and Labor.
By the end this topic, you will be able to:
Access an Employee's timesheet from the PeopleSoft main menu.
Overview of an employee's timesheet and its components.
Click the Main Menu button.
Step 1Point to the LSUHSC Processes menu.
Step 2Point to the Time and Labor menu.
Step 3Point to the Use menu.
Step 4Click the Timesheet menu.
Step 5Click the Search button.
Step 6The Employee's EmplID, Record Number, and Name are displayed on the Header, located at the top of the Timesheet.
Step 7
The EMPL Data section provides a summary of the employee's Job Data.
The fields are defined as follows:
Class Indc: Classified or Unclassified.
Meal: Defines the rules of a meal deduction.
Job Code: Job code and description of position.
DeptID: Department number and Name.
F/P: Full-time or Part time indicator.
Std Hrs: Number of standard hours worked in a week.
Term DT: Blank for all active employees.
OVT: Defines overtime compensation options.
Step 8Begin Date: Begin date of the Pay Period from the Pay Calendar table.
End Date: End date of the Pay Period from the Pay Calendar table.
The Pay Rules link is a summary of the custom Pay Rule section on the Compensation page in Job Data.
Click the Pay Rule Link to view Pay Rules
Step 9Pay Rules Section:
Note the Pay From Schedule checkbox located at the top of the Pay Rules Section. In this example the check box is not checked, and the employee will not be paid from schedule.
If the Pay From Schedule checkbox is checked, the employee is paid from their schedule.
The Pay Rules are defined as follows:
Workgrp: Designates if employee punches time or just exceptions.
Meal: Defines the rule for meal deduction.
Shift2: Indicates if the employee is eligible for Evening shift differential pay.
Shift3: Indicates if the employee is eligible for Night shift differential pay.
Overtime: Defines overtime compensation options.
Weekend: Indicates if the employee is eligible for Weekend shift differential pay.
Callback: Defines Call-Back compensation options.
Hol Worked: Defines compensation options for holidays worked.
Step 10
Click the Return button to return to the time sheet.
Step 11The Time and Labor Leave Data section provides summary information
regarding an employee's Sick and Vacation leave.
The fields are defined as follows:
Plan Type: Numerical value assigned to a leave option for which
the employee is eligible. 50 - Sick, 51 - Vacation.
Description: List full description of the Plan Type.
Accrual Date: Last Date the leave accrual ran for this employee.
Timesheet Balance: Outstanding balance that will be processed
the next time leave accrual runs.
Leave Balance: Balance of leave for a specified plan type
as of the last time the accrual process ran.
Step 12The Punched and Elapsed Time Detail sections, also referred to as the Timesheet Grid.
Step 13
The Timesheet Colors used to highlight row or field indices the following:
Grey Row - Row that is being edited
Green Row - Indicates a Holiday
Red Row - Indicates an error on the row.
Yellow Row - Indicates a row has been added to the timesheet.
Red Field - Indicates a missed punch.
Purple Field - Indicates a Transfer was recorded, and the OUT punch was missed on the original punch.
Step 14Time Admin Status process calculates Payable Time. The process runs a new
Business Unit every 5 minutes, therefore every Business Unit should re-calculate
the Payable Time once an hour.
Last Update Date/Time: Displays last date and time The Time Admin Process ran.
Earliest Chg Dt: The earliest change date represents the earliest day changed,
not the date the change occurred.
Example: The current date is 2/17/12 and the timekeeper deletes the punched time for 01/16/12.
The earliest change date is changed to 01/16/12. If the punch time for 2/15/12 is deleted,
the earliest change date remains as 01/16/12.
Note: Manual entries made to the timesheet will not appear in Payable Totals section
until the Time Admin process run and re-calculates the time.
Step 15Payable Time Totals Section list hours by Time Record Code.
TRC - List Time Reporter Code for which the time is assigned.
Total Hours - Total hours for the corresponding Time Reporter Code.
Total Week 1 - Total Hours for Week 1.
Total Week 2 - Total Hours for Week 2.
Total Leave - Total leave for pay period.
Total Period Hours - Total of all hours for pay period.
Note: Due to rounding rules Total Period Hours can differ from the Total hours listed on the Time Grid.
Step 16Payable Detail section:
Date - Date of the time reported
Day - Day of the week
TRC - Time Reporter Code
Quantity - Hours associated with the TRC
Department - List Dept Id if the person floated to another department.
NA-Needs Approval
NO-No Pay
OE-Online Estimate
RP-Rejected by Payroll
RV-Reversed Check
SP-Sent to Payroll
TP-Taken by Payroll
Step 17The Schedules section displays the employee's current work schedule if one has been assigned in the system. The Schedules column information is defined as follows:
Date: Calendar date the employee is scheduled to work.
Day: Day of the week the employee is scheduled to work
Start Time: Time the employee is scheduled to begin work.
End Time: Time the employee is scheduled to end work.
If the employee is not paid by schedule, there is no start and end time displayed on the schedule.
Step 18Once the Time Admin process has completed, if exceptions have been detected on the timesheet the Exceptions section displays. High level exceptions are flagged by the system and display on the timesheet as a Red Field.
All high level exceptions must be corrected for time to calculate for that day.
Step 19Click the Save Button to save changes.
Step 20This completes the Timesheet overview topic.