Military Time
Military Time is a 24-hour clock notation system. It utilizes a four (4) digit format, hhmm, as a means of distinguishing between day and night. The first two digits represent the hour of the day and the last two digits the minutes of the hour. For example, 0330 represents 3:30 AM and 1700 represents 5:00 PM.
A time separator (colon) is not used when entering Military Time (i.e. 0330 rather than 03:30) unlike when entering regular time. Using Military Time, if the time entered has a preceding zero (i.e. 0330) it indicates day or AM time. If the time has a
preceding 1 or 2 (i.e. 1500 or 2300) it indicates night or PM time. Midnight (12:00 AM) is designated by two zeros (00). You will not enter AM or PM when entering punch information in a Military Time format. However, time must be entered using all four digits.