Add Punches

In this topic you will learn how to add Punches to the timesheet


The Timekeeper must enter time (In and Out punches) for employees not paid by schedule.  The employees not paid by schedule are Student Workers and Transients.


  1. NOTE: Bread Crumbs display at the top of the panel and provide navigation to the timesheet.


    Main Menu > LSUHSC Processes > Time and Labor > Use > Timesheet

    Step 1
  2. To enter data onto the timesheet, simply click on the appropriate field and type the information directly into the cell.


    Step 2
  3. In this exercise, you will enter all time data onto the timesheet.


    Note: Only Leave and other Manual Edits to the timesheet (i.e. missed punches, On-Call, TRC, etc.) will need to be added by the Timekeeper if the employee is paid from schedule.

    Step 3
  4. Enter the desired information into the Mon In field. Enter "6:28a".


    NOTE: When entering regular time, the system will automatically default to AM unless specified.  When entering punch information using Regular Time, you must designate PM. 


    You can enter "a" to designate AM and "p" to designate PM.


    NOTE: Military Time can also be used instead of regular time.

    Step 4
  5. Enter the desired information into the Mon Out field. Enter "6:56p".

    Step 5
  6. Military Time

    Military Time is a 24-hour clock notation system. It utilizes a four (4) digit format, hhmm, as a means of distinguishing between day and night. The first two digits represent the hour of the day and the last two digits the minutes of the hour. For example, 0330 represents 3:30 AM and 1700 represents 5:00 PM. 


    A time separator (colon) is not used when entering Military Time (i.e. 0330 rather than 03:30) unlike when entering regular time. Using Military Time, if the time entered has a preceding zero (i.e. 0330) it indicates day or AM time. If the time has a

    preceding 1 or 2 (i.e. 1500 or 2300) it indicates night or PM time. Midnight (12:00 AM) is designated by two zeros (00). You will not enter AM or PM when entering punch information in a Military Time format. However, time must be entered using all four digits.

    Step 6
  7. Enter the desired information into the Tue field. Enter

     a valid value

    Step 7
  8. Enter the desired information into the Tue field. Enter

     a valid value

    Step 8
  9. Enter time for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday of the next week.

    Step 9
  10. In this exercise, you did not Save your changes to the timesheet until all data was input onto the timesheet. You can Save changes made to the timesheet at any time.


    When you Save your information, the system will automatically update any manual edits made to the page. Payable Time, however, will not be calculated until the Time Admin process is run.


    Click the Save button.

    Step 10
  11. NOTE: Punch information entered as Military Time is converted to regular time once the timesheet is saved.

    Step 11
  12. Rounding Rules

    There are two (2) Rounding Rules that are applied to an employee's time when the

    Time Admin process is run. The Rounding Rules are:


    •  The 6-Minute Rounding Rule - Applied to an employee working according to a

        pre-defined schedule; and

    •  The Tenth-Hour Rounding Rule - Applied to an employee working without or

       outside a schedule.

    Step 12
  13. The 6-Minute Rounding Rule

    The 6-Minute Rounding Rule is applied to an employee's time when the employee is working according to a schedule. The 6-Minute Rounding Rule will not apply if an employee is working at any time other than according to his/her pre-defined schedule (i.e. Call-Back time).When the employee clocks In or Out within 6 minutes of his/her pre-defined scheduled Start and End time, the system will "round" his/her time to the scheduled Start and End time.


    For example, on Mon, 04/16/12, the employee is scheduled to work from 6:30AM until 7:00PM. The employee clocked In at 6:28AM and clocked Out at 6:56PM. The employee clocked In and Out within 6 minutes of her scheduled Start and End time. Therefore, when the Time Admin process is run, the system will "round" her time to her scheduled Start time of 6:30AM and End time of 7:00PM and display the "rounded" time on the timesheet.

    Step 13
  14. The Tenth-Hour Rounding Rule

    The Tenth-Hour Rounding Rule is applied when an employee is working without a schedule or outside his/her schedule (i.e. Call-Back time). The Tenth-Hour Rounding Rule will also apply to an employee who is working according to a schedule, but is considered Tardy for work, comes in early to work, or works past his/her scheduled Start/End time (i.e. clocks In or Out more than 6 minutes from the scheduled Start or End time). The Tenth-Hour Rounding Rule will "round" time to the nearest tenth of the hour.


    For example, on Tue, 04/17/12, the employee is scheduled to work from 6:30AM until 7:00PM. The employee clocked In at 6:44AM therefore, the employee is considered Tardy. The 6-Minute Rounding Rule will not apply due to the employee being Tardy. The system will "round" her Start Time to the next tenth when the Time Admin process is run.

    Step 14
  15. NOTE: Time rounding changes will not display in the Timesheet itself. Actual clock information will remain as displayed in the Timesheet. Rounding changes are viewable in the Payable Totals section.


    NOTE: Payable Totals will not change until Time Admin has been run.

    Step 15
  16. Any leave taken during the pay period will display in the TL Leave Data box in the Timesheet Balance column once the timesheet is saved.  In this example, no leave was taken so the Timesheet Balance column is blank.

    Step 16
  17. Rounding changes are displayed in the Payable Time section. The Payable Total for Week 1 is 56.10 and 23.90 for Week 2. The Total Period Hours are 80.00.


    NOTE: The Cumulative column total in the timesheet is 79.72. The Cumulative total does not reflect rounding changes and will remain unchanged when Time Admin is run.

    Step 17
  18. The TRC options displayed are defined as follows:


    CER - Certified Pay

    RGB - Regular Bi-Weekly

    SH2 - Shift 2 Differential

    WKN - Weekend Differential

    Step 18
  19. NOTE: When the Time Admin process is run, if there are any Exceptions needing immediate review an Exceptions section will display to the right of the Time Admin Status section.


    Exceptions needing immediate review are flagged by the system and display on the timesheet as a red field.


    All High level exceptions must be corrected in order for time to calculate for that day.

    Step 19

This completes the topic on Adding Punches.

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