Health Sciences Bookstore
Thank you for visiting our home page. Please contact us if we can be of assistance in any way. It is our goal to serve the Health Sciences Center and the community as a comprehensive and professional resource. Our reference sections house large selections of the most recently published titles in all areas of Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health, Public Health and the Basic Sciences. Textbooks and course materials are available for all of LSUHSC's programs. In addition to books, we stock apparel, uniforms, scrubs, medical instruments, gift items, as well as cold drinks and snacks. We value your input and welcome the opportunity to meet you.
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Staff Information
Anne Couvillon |
Jon Kulick |
Treana Griffin |
Vacant |
Order Forms
Cardiopulmonary Scrub Order Form
New Orleans, LA 70112Phone: (504) 568-2504
Fax: (504) 568-2121email: aehsb

Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (M-F)