Interprofessional Education

SMART Cafe students enjoying a yummy lunch.


2015 3:58:27 PM The SMART Cafe program (Student Mentors Advising Real Time Choices About Food and Eating) was started in 2012 through a partnership between Louisiana State University Health Science Center's School of Medicine and ReNEW Sci Tech Academy to address the increasing occurrence of childhood obesity and the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in New Orleans. LSUHSC students, along with other health science students from around the city, sit with elementary school students during lunch, encourage the students to try all the food on their cafeteria trays (supplied by Revolution Foods), and explain basic nutritional science to the students in an age-appropriate, curriculum-guided, interactive discussion format. To join, please email us expressing interest and participate in a training session to be able to volunteer. Our upcoming events will be determined after an assessment of public interest. Please contact us at 

LSUHSC students sampling the Smart Cafe choices

Faculty Advisor: Julia Tipton, RN, DNS, CPN, CNE

Student contact: Caitlin Simon -