Institutional Biosafety Committee


LSUHSC-NO, under the purview of the Office of Compliance Programs and the Office of Research Services, requires specific training for individuals involved in research. The Office of Research is responsible for confirming compliance with the training and disclosure requirements for all HSC investigators including those listed in the initial application and those added after study approval through an amendment request.

Requirements for Personnel in an IBC Protocol

The required areas of training and disclosure relevant to the IBC are listed in the table below.

Training Course/Disclosure


Training Provider

Who must complete this training?

Conflict of Interest in Research Disclosure Every year Kuali Research All personnel on an IBC-approved protocol
Laboratory Safety Training Every year CATS All personnel on an IBC-approved protocol 
Bloodborne Pathogen Every year or
Every 5 years* 
CATS All personnel on an IBC-approved protocol
IBC Compliance Once CATS All personnel on an IBC-approved protocol
Shipping Biological Materials Every 2 years CATS All personnel on an IBC-approved protocol that are responsible for shipping/delivering biologicals, chemicals, pathogens, etc.
Radiation Safety Once EH&S All personnel on an IBC-approved protocol that involve research utilizing radioactive substances.
Laser Safety  Once EH&S All personnel on an IBC-approved protocol that involve research utilizing Class 3B or 4 lasers.
* Every year for high risk research (i.e. working in lab and/or with animals). Every 5 years for low risk research (i.e. not in lab or working with animals).


Training Providers

Providers Access
CATS CATS is a web-based training program managed by the Office of Compliance Programs (OCP). For more information about institutional training requirements and to access CATS, please visit the OCP website. All training requests should be sent to the Office of Compliance Programs
EH&S LSUHSC's Environmental Health and Safety has information on training here.
Kuali Annual COI disclosures are submitted through the Kuali Research COI module. Information about COI disclosure and access to the Kuali Research COI module is found here.