ATTENTION: Unfortunately, the IRB is currently short staffed and there may be delays in submission approvals. We thank you for your understanding and patience.
LSUHSC-NO's Human Subjects Research Protection Program (HRPP) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) are responsible for reviewing all research activities or investigations involving human beings, with the purpose of protecting the rights and welfare of individuals participating in such research. It is the policy of LSUHSC-NO that all activities involving human beings and/or information or specimens collected from human beings must be presented to the HRPP for a determination as to whether:
- the activity is human subjects research (HSR),
- the HSR activity can be given Exempt status under federal regulations, or
- the HSR activity must have IRB review, approval, and continued oversight.
Useful Reference Links
- The Belmont Repor
- Code of Federal Regulation
- Food And Drug Administration (FDA
- Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP)