Evacuation vs. Shelter in Place
In the event of an emergency, you may be directed to either evacuate or shelter in place.
- Evacuation could be to your building's designated Emergency Evacuation Area (e.g., in response to a fire alarm) or off of the campus completely (e.g., a campus-wide bomb threat). See the link showing the Emergency Evacuation Areas for the Downtown, School of Dentistry and Uptown campuses. Whether in your office, classroom or a common area, always be familiar with your surroundings and have an evacuation route in mind.
- Shelter in Place means to seek immediate shelter and remain there during an emergency
rather than evacuate the area. Shelter in Place could be a response to a hazardous
situation (chemical, radiological, or chemical contaminants) or in response to an
Active Shooter. Actions for Sheltering in Place can include, depending on the situation:
- Stop instruction or work.
- If there are visitors in your area, provide for their safety by asking them to stay, not leave.
- Unless there is an imminent threat, ask students, staff and visitors to call their emergency contact to let them know where they are and that they are safe.
- Gather essential disaster supplies, if possible.
- Select interior room(s) above the ground floor, with the fewest windows or vents.
- Understand that it may be necessary for Facility Services to shut down the air handling system to reduce the possibility of fumes or smoke from entering the building.
- Turn on registered cell phones to receive LSUHSC-NO Text Alert Messages (in silent mode, if related to a threat such as an Active Shooter).