- In the event of a fire alarm, building occupants will evacuate the building by the easiest/shortest path possible and report to the outdoor Emergency Evacuation Area. Emergency Evacuation Areas are designated for the Downtown and School of Dentistry campuses.
- Floor Leaders will ensure their areas of responsibility are evacuated, doors closed, and mobility impaired personnel accounted for. If the Floor Leader is not available, the back-up Floor Leader or senior person present will take charge.
- Occupants can re-enter the building after an all clear has been given by University Police or Environmental Health and Safety.
- The following provide more detailed information on how to respond to a fire alarm.
How to Respond if You See, Smell or Feel Smoke or Fire
- If a fire or smoke is seen immediately PULL the closest fire alarm pull station
- Fire alarm pull stations are located by each stairwell and/or exit
- If possible, close all doors to prevent the spread of smoke and fire
- ALERT others of the pending emergency and begin a calm and immediate evacuation of the building. Close the door(s) to your office or classroom to confine the fire.
- CALL University Police (568-8999) or 911 and give specific information:
- Your name and the telephone number
- The exact location of fire or smoke (building, floor, and/or room number)
- The type of fire (electrical, flammable liquid, trash, etc.)
- The extent of the fire (severity of the fire and/or amount of smoke)
- Immediately begin following the Emergency Evacuation Procedures as described below.
What Should Building Occupants Do When an Alarm Sounds?
- Evacuate your office or visiting area while leaving the door open.
- Walk to the nearest stairwell exit. Do not use the elevators.
- Carefully walk down the stairs. Stay to the right side and allow for traffic to enter. Unless the stairwell is blocked or contains a hazard, stay in the stairwell until you reach the first floor then exit the building.
- Offer assistance to those who can move down the stairs but may still require some help. Don't lift/carry anyone up/down the stairs.
- Upon exiting the building, go to your assigned outside area of refuge and report to your Floor Leader.
- Remain in your Emergency Evacuation Area until an “all clear” is given by the University Police or Environmental Health and Safety
What Should Mobility Impaired Persons do When an Alarm Sounds?
- Evacuate your office while leaving the door open.
- With the assistance of a Floor Leader or co-worker, exit to the nearest stairwell. Enclosed stairwells are safe refuge areas for people who cannot evacuate because stairwells have higher fire resistant construction than the surrounding building and a separate ventilation system. Do not use the elevators. Your location will be provided to the emergency responders.
- Remain inside the stairwell until assisted by Fire Department personnel or the University Police gives you an “All Clear” to return to your office.
- Escorts should assist visiting mobility impaired personnel's movement to the stairwells. If the visitor has no escort, any building occupant can assist. The escort (upon arrival at the Emergency Evacuation Area) shall report the location of the mobility impaired person to the Floor Leader
What Should You Do if Trapped in a Building Fire?
- Stay where you are and do not panic
- Feel the door handle and then the entire door.
- If the door handle or the door is hot, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
- If there is pressure on the door and “puffs” of smoke coming around the door, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
- Close all doors, windows, and any other openings that lead to the impacted area.
- As a last resort, if there is a window(s) that can supply fresh air, open or break
- Use extreme caution while breaking the window. Protect yourself from broken glass.
- Exercise extreme caution as the large increase of air from the broken window may cause the fire to intensify. Additionally, the breaking glass may cause injury to you or bystanders on the ground.
- If possible, use a wet towel or blanket to cover yourself
- Call the University Police at 568-8999 or call 911 and give specific information, including your name, your exact location (building, floor, and room number), your pending circumstances and your condition.
How Does the Alarm System Work in Your Building?
Each building is equipped with a fire detection system that detects smoke or fire and notifies occupants in less than three seconds. There are two types of alarm systems at LSUHSC-NO facilities:
- The Resource Center, CALS, Lion's Eye, CSRB, and the School of Allied Health/Nursing are designed to high rise code and will ONLY sound on the impacted floor and the floor above and below. Upon arrival, the Fire Department will decide whether or not to sound the alarm on additional floors. If the alarm is not going off on your floor, you should not evacuate. Note that some sound may ‘bleed through” to adjacent floors through the stairwells and elevator shafts - - if you are in doubt as to whether the alarm is sounding on your floor, be conservative and evacuate.
- The MEB, Residence Hall, Stanislaus Hall, Clinical Education Building (1542 Tulane), all School of Dentistry facilities, Roman Garage and Gravier Garage are general alarms. This means that if the life safety system detects a problem then the entire building goes into alarm and all building occupants will evacuate immediately.