Campus Health

Responsible Use of Alcohol - Server's Training

The Campus Assistance Program (CAP) provides free training to LSUHSC students, residents, staff and faculty to comply with CM-36 - Guidelines for the Responsible Use of Alcohol at LSU Health Sciences Center.  This policy states that alcohol may be served for special events on- and off-campus sponsored by LSUHSC with written authorization from the Dean, Chancellor, or authorized designee.  Guidelines for the responsible use of alcohol must be followed at such events, including limiting direct access to alcoholic beverages to individuals who have completed approved server training.

Server's Training courses are held approximately four times per year. The courses are not open to the public. Call (504) 568-8888 to register.

Responsible Vendor Program

Act 1054 of the 1997 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature enacted Revised Statute 26:931 through 26:939 to establish the Responsible Vendor Program to educate vendors, their employees, and customers about selling, serving, and consuming beverage alcohol, tobacco, and tobacco products and to prevent the misuse, illegal use, and abuse of alcohol.  The LSUHSC Responsible Use of Alcohol Server's Training is established to meet the requirements of an approved training course under the Louisiana Responsible Vendor Program.  Server permits are valid for a period of four years from the completion of an approved alcohol training course.

For more information regarding the Louisiana Alcohol & Tobacco Control (ATC) Responsible Vendor Program, visit or call (225) 925-7683.



There is no charge for LSUHSC students, residents, staff, and faculty to attend a Server's Training course.  The course is not open to the public.

Forms and Certification Card:


LSUHSC Responsible Use of Alcohol



Authorization to Serve Alcohol



Print Server Certification Card

Courses taken BEFORE May 12, 2021


Print Server Certification Card

Courses taken ON or AFTER May 12, 2021


Contact CAP at 504-568-8888 or to be added to the notification list regarding future courses or to request a course for your department.

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(504) 568-8888