Catalog of WSTMC nVision Reports
Please click the Report Title to open the Report Catalog
Report Name | Short Description |
AFR Rollup | The report produces a detailed Financial Report by fund for WSTMC. |
Balance Sheet Summary | This report displays actual values by balance sheet account group. |
BU Trans Detail Other IAT | This report provides a detailed listing of Other Expense Transactions for a business unit. |
BU Trans Detail ProfSvs | This report provides a detailed listing of Professional Services Transactions for a business unit. |
Budget Variance by Department All Funds | This report provides a detailed budget variance report by department. |
Budget Variance by Department | This report provides a detailed budget variance report by department. |
Cash Receipts and Expenditures All Funds | This report provides detailed cash receipts and expenditures report for all funds. |
Cash Receipts and Expenditures Fund 111 All Periods | This report provides detailed cash receipts and expenditures report for fund 111 Unrestricted. |
Cash Receipts and Expenditures Fund 111 By Periods | This report provides detailed cash receipts and expenditures report for fund 111 Unrestricted. |
Cash Receipts and Expenditures Fund 111 | This report provides detailed cash receipts and expenditures report for fund 111 Unrestricted. |
Cash Receipts and Expenditures Fund 113 | This report provides detailed cash receipts and expenditures report for fund 113 Restricted. |
Cash Receipts and Expenditures Fund 115 | This report provides detailed cash receipts and expenditures report for fund 115 Restricted. |
Cost Report WTB All Departments | This report provides detailed listing of values by department for the Salaries, Other and Total Expenditure accounts. |
Cost Report WTB - WSTMC | This report provides a cost report for the specified fiscal year for the business unit. |
Department Comparison | This report provides total expenditures report by department for the WSTMC Business Unit. |
Dept Actuals and Accruals by Dept 111 | This report provides revenue and expenditures both Actuals and Accruals by Department. |
Dept Actuals and Accruals by Dept 113 | This report provides revenue and expenditures both Actuals and Accruals by Department. |
Dept Actuals and Accruals by Dept 115 | This report provides revenue and expenditures both Actuals and Accruals by Department. |
Dept List by BU Total Expense by Department | This report provides a total expenditures report by department for the Business Unit. |
Income Statement - Fund 111 | The report produces a Statement of Activities an Income Statement for WSTMC departments on fund code 111 Unrestricted. |
Income Statement by Department 111 and 811 | This report provides revenue and expenses including accruals by department for the fiscal year. |
Income Statement by Dept - 111 | This report provides expenses by department for the fiscal year. |
Income Statement | The report produces a Statement of Activities an Income Statement for WSTMC departments on fund code 111 Unrestricted. |
Inventory Valuation | The report produces an Inventory Valuation by item id by inventory business unit. |
ITO WST | The report produces an Information Technology Funding and Expenditure Department Cost Summary for the Fiscal Year. |
Project Year to Date By Month. | The report produces a report of Actual and Encumbrance data by project. |
Rev & Exp Analysis - HC. | The report produces an analysis report of revenues, expenditures and projections by detail account value for WSTMC. |
Rev & Exp Analysis and Projections | The report produces an analysis report of expenditures. |
Rev & Exp Analysis Delta | This report provides a detailed listing of revenue by source for the current period and year to date. |
Rev_ ER Charges by Payor | This report provides a detailed listing of revenue by source for the current period and year to date |
Rev_Charges by Payor | The report produces a Statement of Activities by department for WSTMC. |
Revenue and Expenditures - Dept. | The report produces a Statement of Activities by department for WSTMC. |
Revenue and Expenditures | The report produces a Statement of Activities for WSTMC departments. |
SRECNA WST | The report produces a Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets for WSTMC. |
Statement of Net Assets WST |
The report produces a Statement of Net Assets for the WSTMC business unit. |
Trial Balance - Detail | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance for business unit WSTMC. |
Trial Balance Act and Accr All Funds | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account by Fund Code and Ledger. |
Trial Balance Act and Accr Fund111 | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account by Fund Code and Ledger. |
Trial Balance Act and Accr Fund113 | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account by Fund Code and Ledger. |
Trial Balance Act and Accr Fund115 | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account by Fund Code and Ledger. |
Trial Balance Activity by Month | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account by Fund Code and Ledger. |
Trial Balance Actuals by Fund FYTD | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account by Fund Code for the fiscal year to date. |
Trail Balance Actuals by Fund | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account by Fund Code for the current period. |
Trial Balance Single Fund | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account by Fund Code for the current period. |
Trial Balance Actuals Inventory | This report provides a detailed Trial Balance by account for Fund Code 111 for the fiscal year to date. |