Website Redesign

Add a button: 


The buttons can be added via the Styles tab in the tool bar. 


1. Access Modern Campus CMS and click on Edit from the top of the page.

 Edit tab


2. Click on Styles from the Toolbar menu.

    styles in toolbar


3. The dropdown menu consists of all the available button. Select the Button you want to use.



4. Type the text that you want the button to display. 

5. Save to preview the button. 

           save button

6. Publish once ready.

         publish button

To link the button to a page

1. Select the text in the button and click on the link icon link icon from toolbar. 

2. Navigate to the page and click Insert. 


More information on adding a link can be found here:  Create and Add Links.

List of all the available buttons:

Purple arrow button

Purple Arrow Button XL

Wide purple arrow button

Purple Button with Gold TEXT

purple arrow button with gold Text xl

Gold arrow button

gold arrow button xl

Wide gold arrow button

white with purple txt

Standout button


Need More Assistance? 

Use this request form to open web request ticket.