Website Redesign

Save and Publish


 1.    Go to any page you want to make changes on

2.    Check out the file you want to work on by selecting the yellow bulb at the top right corner check in icon

Checking out a file locks the file for other users and allows you to make changes in the CMS.

3.    Click on any editable region and make your changes

4.    Click on Save 

      save button

5.    Click on Publish to see your changes live

       publish button

6.    From the Publish Box, run the final checks

       Publish box

7.    Add a "Version Description" as needed.

8.    In order to view the changes live in the web site, you must publish the changes first. Click on the Publish button.

      publish button

Mutiple users have access to the CMS editor. Check in a file after you are done making the changes on the site. When another user checks out file, you will see a lock icon as the file status. That means the page is not accessible to any other user. If you would like to unlock any such file, contact webmaster team at

Note:  After publishing a page, you are automatically checked in.