Accounting Services


Travel Documentation Scanning

LSU Health Sciences Center-New Orleans has been granted approval by the Office of State Archives to accept and store scanned copies of travel documents as the original source file. This includes but is not limited to travel priors, vouchers, and advance forms, hotel receipts, conference registration fee forms, and any other supporting travel documentation.

 Travel documentation scanning guidelines

So what does this mean for my department?

From a departmental perspective, not much will change. Those responsible for submitting proper travel documents for reimbursement should continue to have all forms routed for appropriate signatures and gather and submit all supporting documentation (i.e.. flight itineraries, hotel receipts, registration fee forms etc.). Once the travel voucher is ready for submission to the Travel office, those documents should be scanned into a PDF file and emailed to Other file formats will not be accepted. Smaller receipts should be taped to an 8 1/2 ; x 11 sheet of white paper and be made into a “scannable” document.

 In order to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the travel expense documentation, each department must identify an individual who will act as the designated scanner for your department. Only documents received from this person (or persons) will be accepted. Please note, to ensure the integrity of the documents, a traveler cannot scan and/or submit their own documents. Also, electronic/email approvals will not be accepted in lieu of original signatures on scanned travel document.

Does the department have to keep the originals or a copy of the documents?

Unless otherwise noted by the Travel office, original documents should be held in the department until the end of the month in which it is paid. For example, if a travel voucher is turned in on 7/15 and paid on 7/18, please retain original documents until 7/31; if a travel voucher is turned in on 7/31 and paid on 8/5, please retain the original documents until 8/31. Monthly approval will be sought from the Office of State Archives to retain the scanned document held by the Travel office as the original source file. Once this approval is granted, I will email the departmental Business Managers and give approval to destroy the original documents retained by your office. Your department is NOT required to store these files.

Will audited vouchers be returned to the department?

Yes. Once the travel voucher is reviewed and paid, a copy of the audited voucher will be emailed to the department.