CM Title |
Initially Issued |
Last Revised |
CM - 1 |
Management and Use of Buildings, Properties & Facilities |
11/01/1972 |
09/05/2023 |
CM - 2 |
Billing for Professional Services |
01/18/1973 |
CM - 3 |
Rescinded - Expenses for Invited Visitors |
CM - 4 |
Flags of the United States and State of Louisiana at the Health Sciences Center New
Orleans |
02/21/1973 |
CM - 5 |
Rescinded - 05/01/2022 - Entertainment of Visitors |
CM - 6 |
Responsibility for Self-Generated Funds |
04/06/1973 |
CM - 7 |
Contracts and Agreements with Outside Agencies |
12/27/1973 |
CM - 8 |
Rescinded - Administrative Position Retirement |
07/17/1986 |
CM - 9 |
Rescinded 04/23/2022 - Legal Consultation |
08/05/1991 |
CM -10 |
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement |
10/29/2018 |
07/25/2022 |
CM -11 |
Guidelines on Employment Relating to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parental Leave |
11/19/1986 |
11/05/2024 |
CM -12 |
Nepotism Policy |
07/12/1979 |
11/28/2022 |
CM -13 |
Rescinded - Employment of Handicapped |
CM -14 |
Administrative Absences |
10/10/1980 |
CM -15 |
Student Worker Employment |
05/15/1981 |
CM -16 |
Home Visits for Surveys and Questionnaires |
06/26/1997 |
CM -17 |
Honoraria |
06/09/1983 |
CM -18 |
Rescinded - The Purchase of Flowers and Plants for Commemorative Purposes |
CM -19 |
Statement of Principles - Faculty Clinical Practice, LSUHSC |
05/28/2008 |
CM - 20 |
Superseded by CM-39 11/20/23 - Employment or Education of Foreign Medical Graduates
on Non-Immigrant Visas |
02/25/1988 |
CM - 21 |
Financial Management Responsibility Policy |
09/15/1988 |
01/08/2019 |
CM - 22 |
Statement of Support for the Guard and Reserve |
11/18/1988 |
CM - 23 |
Rescinded - LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Drug Free Workplace and Workforce |
CM - 24 |
LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Policies and Procedures for Faculty Appeals |
08/12/2004 |
CM - 25 |
Policy on AIDS (HIV) and Hepatitis Virus (HBV) |
05/15/2002 |
CM - 26 |
Policy on Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act |
05/05/2015 |
9/19/2022 |
CM - 27 |
State Mandated Scholarship Program |
09/14/1993 |
CM - 28 |
Educational Privileges of Health Sciences Center Employees CM-28 Attachment:
02/04/2015 |
07/01/2019 |
CM - 29 |
Rescinded - LSU Health Sciences Center Smoking Policy |
CM - 30 |
Moving / Relocation Incentives CM-30 Attachment:
02/22/2018 |
09/27/2022 |
CM - 31 |
The Relationship of Centers of Excellence to Departments, Schools, and Units of Louisiana
State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans |
11/12/2007 |
CM - 32 |
Superseded by CM-56 09/05/23 - Statement of the Student Role and Participation in Institutional Decision Making |
09/26/1994 |
CM - 33 |
Policies and Procedures Governing the Supervisory Role of the Institution Over Student
Activities Including Student Publications |
09/26/1994 |
06/18/2009 |
CM - 34 |
Required Credentials for Faculty Employment |
04/18/1995 |
07/01/2016 |
CM - 35 |
Managing Conflicts of Interest in Research
02/26/2018 |
05/03/2023 |
CM - 36 |
Guidelines for the responsible use of Alcohol at the LSU Health Sciences Center |
06/16/1999 |
CM - 37 |
LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Campus Fitness for Duty |
10/08/2019 |
CM - 38 |
Substance Abuse and Drug Free Workplace Policy |
11/01/1999 |
10/09/2019 |
CM - 39 |
Participation of Foreign Physicians in Graduate Medical Education & Training |
02/17/1997 |
11/20/2023 |
CM - 40 |
Rescinded 04/23/2022 - Utilization of Legal Counsel |
01/16/2016 |
01/01/2019 |
CM - 41 |
Rescinded - Use of Voice Mail in the LSU Health Sciences Center |
CM - 42 |
Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure |
01/16/2016 |
01/01/2019 |
CM - 43 |
Institutional Name Change |
06/22/1999 |
CM - 44 |
Campus Security Policy CM-44 Attachment:
CM - 45 |
Use of Prisoners in Research |
06/27/2000 |
CM - 46 |
Fundraising Policy |
05/01/2015 |
09/12/2022 |
CM - 47 |
Motor Vehicle Traffic Citations, LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans |
08/14/2001 |
CM - 48 |
LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Public Information & Media Policy |
10/16/2001 |
CM - 49 |
Sexual Harassment / Gender Discrimination |
05/05/2015 |
07/21/2021 |
CM - 50 |
Family And Medical Leave Policy |
05/27/2002 |
11/05/2024 |
CM - 51 |
Emergency Closure Policy & Procedures for Weather-Related and Other Events |
06/15/2006 |
05/30/2024 |
CM - 52 |
Official Business Before Elected Officials |
02/16/2004 |
CM - 53 |
HIPAA Privacy Policy |
CM - 54 |
Campus Research Space Policy for all Schools |
05/20/2004 |
11/30/2020 |
CM - 55 |
Payments by Affiliated Organizations |
08/20/2004 |
05/15/2019 |
CM - 56 |
Student Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities |
01/12/2005 |
09/05/2023 |
CM - 57 |
Policy for Recoupment of Overpayments |
03/02/2007 |
08/05/2020 |
CM - 58 |
Tobacco Use Policy |
05/05/2015 |
11/18/2020 |
CM - 59 |
Safety and Environmental Policy and Responsibilities |
02/10/2014 |
10/15/2024 |
CM - 60 |
Residency Appeals |
01/01/2016 |
CM - 61 |
Additional Compensation Routing and Supplemental Compensation Exclusions and Limitations
Subject to PM-3 |
12/02/2016 |
CM - 62 |
Overtime Policy |
01/26/2017 |
CM - 63 |
Scholarship Policy |
03/13/2017 |
05/12/2021 |
CM - 64 |
Rescinded - 05/30/2024 - Tornado Policy |
09/27/2017 |
CM - 65 |
Global Health Education Opportunities |
02/05/2018 |
11/25/2024 |
CM - 66 |
Freedom of Speech and Expression |
12/18/2018 |
CM - 67 |
Work-Related Off-Campus Activity Policy |
08/15/2019 |
CM - 68 |
Children in the Campus Workplace |
03/01/2021 |
CM - 69 |
Rescinded 08/01/2022 - Employee Workplace Dress Code |
05/11/2021 |
CM - 70 |
Personnel Status Change Forms Policy |
05/11/2021 |
CM - 71 |
Background Inquiry Policy CM-71 Attachments:
05/13/2021 |
CM-72 |
Administration of Institutionally-Funded Scholarship Programs CM-72 Attachment:
04/06/2022 |
CM-73 |
Remote Work Policy CM-73 Attachment:
07/15/2022 |
5/25/2023 |