Accounting Services


Suspension/Revocation of P-Card Privileges (Business Process)

The responsibility of the individual cardholder is a critical component of the LaCarte P-Card Program. This includes using the card for allowable purchases, staying within the maximum $5,000 per transaction limit, and submitting the monthly cardholder report package (all receipts and transaction log) on time.

Late Monthly Submissions:

A cardholder who fails to submit her/his monthly cardholder report package five business days after the close of the billing cycle (5th of every month) is considered late in the submission.

Cardholder accounts for which the documentation has not been received by the beginning of the next billing cycle (6th of each month) will be automatically suspended.

An email will be sent to advise the cardholder (and their approver) that their P-Card privileges will be suspended until the completed monthly report package has been received. Once it has been received and reviewed, the P-Card Administrator may reinstate the card privileges. If receipts are never received, the cardholder may be held personally responsible for the reimbursement of the charges incurred within the billing cycle. Also, if the P-Card Administrator determines that the cardholder has established a pattern of late submissions, the card privileges may be permanently revoked. This decision is made at the discretion of the Administrator, based on the number of late or incomplete submissions and may take into account possible mitigating circumstances for any given cardholder.

Incomplete Monthly Submissions:

There are times when a cardholder may submit the monthly cardholder report package on time, but during the course of auditing, it is determined that the submission is incomplete.

This could be due to a missing itemized receipt, missing documentation, etc.

At the point the submission is determined to be incomplete, the P-Card Administrator advises the cardholder (and LaCarte card log sign off supervisor) by e- mail that the submission is incomplete and explains what is needed to correct the submission. If extenuating circumstances for the missing receipt/supporting documentation do not exist, LaCarte documentation that is not received by the beginning of the next billing cycle (6th of each  month) will be automatically suspended. If the problem is not rectified, a final e-mail attempt will notify the cardholder (and the approver) that they will be held personally responsible for the charges incurred on the missing documentation (i.e. a payroll deduction will be taken). As with all late submissions, the P-Card Administrator has the authority to suspend or permanently revoke card privileges if it is determined that a pattern exists of missing/incomplete submissions.


If during the monthly audit process, the P-Card Administrator determines that there has been misuse of the card, the P-card Administrator may revoke the cardholder's P-Card privileges.

Misuse can take a number of different forms. For example, the following could be considered misuse: using the card for a restricted or prohibited transaction; splitting purchases in order to circumvent the per transaction limit; making personal purchases.

If, in the opinion of the P-Card Administrator, the misuse is deemed minor, the P-card Administrator will send an e-mail notification to the cardholder (and their approver) of the misuse, informing them that restitution for the violation in the form of a credit to their account, a check, or a payroll deduction must be obtained.

If a pattern of minor misuse is identified, permanent revocation of cardholder privileges may be considered.

If the misuse is determined to be major, the P-Card Administrator will discuss the violation(s) with the Executive Director of Supply Chain Management. Revocation of card privileges, payroll deduction, and other disciplinary action may be considered.

Suspension/Cancellation- card activity monitoring:

Accounts will be monitored for inactivity and spending authority adjusted based on changes in need. Cards held by Business Managers, Department Heads and other essential personnel that have not had activity within a twelve month period may be moved to a “suspended” card profile and moved to anactive profile should the need arise (i.e. hurricane preparation, evacuation) and will remain active as long as necessary. Other cardholder accounts not utilized within a twelve month period will be reviewed and considered for cancellation. Employment status is also monitored via the LSUHSC employee notification of separation email distribution list and a monthly report provided by Human Resource Management. Cardholders' accounts appearing on either of these reports are reviewed and cancelled.


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